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II English Literary Contest: and the winners are...

literary contest

The jury have at last made a decision and the winners are:

1st cycle:

1st prize: Belén Mª Encabo González (A Sweet Childhood Memory)

2nd prize: María Losada Burgo (A Travel in Time)

2nd cycle:

1st prize: Beatriz Álvarez Díaz (A Virtual Reality)

2nd prize: Noemí García Rodríguez (The Weather is Bad)


Moreover, due to the great quantity and quality of the 2nd cycle stories, the jury have decided to give three consolation prizes, in alphabetical order:

Marta Salgado Castelo (Light is Lit)

Omar Díaz Rodríguez (The Goddess of Night and Rain)

Rubén Babío Barreiro (It Was a New Day)

The presentation of awards will be held at 11:45 on 24th May, at the Library.

The jury thanks all the participants and encourages them to continue writing and reading. Please send the winner stories to so that they can be published as soon as possible. 

story | by Dr. Radut