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Programa ERASMUS

Videochamada coas socias francesas

Profesorado do Lycée Professionnel Le Chatelier de Marsella (Francia) e do IES Val do Asma realizaron unha videochamada, o pasado martes 21 de setembro de 2021, para retomar o proxecto Erasmus+ conxunto tras as vacacións de verán.

Para saber máis do proxecto 2020-1-FR01-KA229-080491_2 preme aquí e para ver as imaxes da videochamada accede á Galería de imaxes.

Proxectos Erasmus+ en curso 2021-2022

Preme para ver os proxectos Erasmus+ en marcha organizados polo IES. Tamén participamos noutros proxectos co consorcio de APAGA.

20/01/21 O instituto Val do Asma mantén o seu Erasmus a pesar do Brexit

Preme na imaxe para ler a nova

La Voz de Galicia. Toda la información y última hora sobre Galicia.

Vídeo de presentación proxecto Erasmus+ 2020-1-FR01-KA229-080491_2

18/12/20 IES Val do Asma kicks off its virtual connection to a Marseille high school

Click on the image to read the news

El periódico «El Progreso de Lugo», siempre presente en cada edición! |  CAMPUSALEXLLORCA.COM

First virtual contact between project partners 2020-1- FR01- KA229-080491_2

Students and teachers of IES Val do Asma had, on 3 December, a virtual meeting to meet their French colleagues from the Lycee Professionnel Le Chatelier from Marseille (France). This meeting served to get to know each other, to implement English, the language in which the project will be developed, and to deal with the development of content and other aspects that are shared through the eTwinning platform.

12/11/20 IES Val do Asma begins a new Erasmus+ project

Click on the image to read the news

El periódico «El Progreso de Lugo», siempre presente en cada edición! |  CAMPUSALEXLLORCA.COM

Erasmus+ Project with France

Approved the granting of two mobilitys for teachers and seven for students of the CS Administration and Finance, EU-funded project with EUR 23,221.00. A European student who discovers the labour market" project name, will allow teachers  and students to make contacts through the eTwinning platform and visits and exchanges with their French partners of the Lyceé Le Chatelier in Marseille and Lycée Polyvalent Lama-Prevot in French Guyana.


Erasmus+ Project

Our school, IES Val do Asma, has been granted financing for mobility project X in the frame of Erasmus + KA 103 program for Higher Education. The grant will be invested in a job shadowing program


IES Val do Asma has applied for the renewal of ECHE Charter, an essential document for the participation in Erasmus+ actions for Higher Education (Higher Cycles in Vocational Education). The ECHE Charter prevously granted to the school in 2017 is valid up to 2020.

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by Dr. Radut