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Inmersión lingüística

Gymkhana in Oña

It is happening right now, students are in Oña participating in a gymkhana. Who would be the winner?

Hiking in the mountains

After the civil guard exibihition students went hiking Alto del Portillo. They visited a sheep farm and tasted cheese at the dairy, some of them bought some cheese So their families will also taste the cheese.



A surprise visit

Catalina's uncle and auntie came to the hostel by surprise. They show us things that the dog do, they are civil  guards. And  they also show us the special equipment they use in their work.

It was so good

By Catalina

Escape room

Everyone is fine after running up and down inside the hostel. Students' fun activity tonight was finding 5 objects within the hostel part of an escape room game. Teachers' gave different clues to each team every time they found an object.

1st The piobardos

2nd The unicorns 


Fun stuff

Together we make bird houses and wish trees .

For the bird houses we use , juice cartons,cardboard,paint and colour paper .

For the trees we use twigs and colour paper 

 In the afternoon we play falcon vs owl 

It's about the falcon and the owl are fighting for the foot, the paper on the floor is the mouse and the person protecting is the owl 

By Sabela


Falconry show


Early in the afternoon, at 12pm students have had the chance to touch and learn very useful tips about birds such as Eagles or owls. 

Rebeca Rego has taught students important information about Falconry, how to hold a bird, how birds hunt she has also explained the way owls and eagles get their prey.

It has been a very interesting and exciting activit.

The following pictures captured some of the best moments during the activity.


First day at the hostel

In the first day breakfast was delicious.


The fist classes were fun.

Alya and Matthew taught us about woman in science. We watch a video and completed a quiz.

After that we draw birds.

by Sandra


Schedule update

Good morning!! 

We are with another group from Zaragoza. 

Students are fine and their behaviour has been great so far. 

Our students are in two groups  Group A1 and group A2

  • A1 Pedro Anxo Roi André P. Catalina Candela Sandra Alba Aitana Saray
  • A2 Iván Dani Efrén Iago André D. Helder Izán Hugo Manuela Laura Irene Sabela

Check the attached file for the schedule update

Busto de Bureba




This is the last post for Sunday.
We will post pictures everyday. sometimes in the morning or at night time.


In Burgos.

Después de comer daremos una vuelta por la ciudad.

Saldremos de Burgos camino a Busto de Bureba a eso de las 17h. 
Llegaremos al albergue sobre las 18h.


Distribuir contido

by Dr. Radut