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December 2018

This is the awesome Christmas tree that we made at the main entrance of our school. Thanks a lot, families!!, because it could be made with the participation of all the students and their families.

Grazas, familias, e noraboa pola vosa creatividade. Coa participación de tod@s puidemos facer esta marabillosa "árbore de cine", coa que felicitamos o Nadal e ambientamos a entrada do noso centro.



This year we decided to make  special Christmas cards: they were "movie stars", in relation to our Cinema school project.


All the Preschool an Primary students participated on this activity. They had to decorate their star shaped card with their favourite actor, actress, movie..., writing a Xmas message on the back side of the star. Here are the Xmas cards: 




page | by Dr. Radut