Caza do Tesouro sobre Rodas

Para promocionar o uso da bici e do patinete este ano levamos a cabo a caza do tesouro sobre rodas.

No mes de Abril tocoulles o turno aos cursos de 5º e 6º e participaron na actividade os días 16 e 30. De novo, dividimos os grupos en tres e foron acompañados de tres mestras. Tiñan que resolver probas para ir accedendo a novas pistas. Ao final cada neno levou un regalo por participar.

As probas consistiron en: resolver unha sopa de letras, un tangram, e contestar en inglés preguntas que traballamos durante o trimestre. As caixas cos regalos estaban escondidas en distintas partes do centro.

Todos quedaron con gañas de repetir.


Treasure Hunt on Wheels

To promote the use of bikes and scooters we prepared a treasure hunt on wheels.

In April, Year 5 and Year 6 participated in this activity, We did it on the 16th and 30th.

We divided each class in three and they were accompanied by a teacher. The game was competitive but they were told that all the groups will have their prize.

We gave them them clues and they had to go to different parts of Xuvia on their bikes, once there they had to solve an activity to have access to the next clue.

Some of the activities were: a wordsearch, a tangram, and answering questions in English about topics worked during the term.

The presents were hidden in different places of the school.

We all had fun and we want to do it again.