O xoves 20 de xuño a organización AD Náutico de Narón ofreceu no noso colexio unha actividade moi interesante, o duathlon: correr e montar en bici.

Todos os rapaces e rapazas de primaria participaron. Eles trouxeron as súas bicis e os seus cascos e fixeron por grupos a actividade na pista polideportiva do centro.

Empezaron pola mañá cedo desde primeiro ata sexto.

A actividade consistía no seguinte facíanse dous grupos que primeiro corrían arredor da pista unha volta e despois collían a bici e o casco para dar outra volta arredor da pista polideportiva.

Tamén fixeron un circuito de habilidades para complicar a proba.

O certo é que os rapaces e rapazas pasárono moi ben. E algún xa quere continuar entrenando co AD Nautico de Narón.

Aquí tedes fotos dese día.



On Thursday 20th June, the sport organization AD Nautico Naron came to our school to promote a very interesting activity, duathlon : running and cycling.

All the Primary children were invited to discover and try this sport. They brought their bikes and helmets and the activity was held in the school multi-sport track.

The activity started early in the morning from Year 1 to Year 6.

The sport event was developed as follows, firstly the group was divided in two teams and they ran around the multi-sport track and then they wore their helmets and rode their bikes around the track again.

They also did a skills circuit.

They really had fun and some of them wanted to continue duathlon with AD Nautico Naron.

Here you have some photos of the event.