O pasado venres 3 de maio celebrouse a 12º edición da Marcha Ciclista do Concello de Narón.

Participaron 9 centros de primaria de Narón e un centro de Neda. Acudiron á cita máis de 1200 nenos desde 3º EP ata 6º EP acompañados por docentes pais, nais e a asociación ciclista Nuestra Señora de Chamorro.

A volta empezou as 10 da mañá e foronse recollendo aos participantes dos distintos centros, despois recorreron xuntos as rúas do concello e remataron no Paseo de Xuvia onde estaba preparado un pequeno ágape saudable: froita e auga repartido por membros das distintas AMPAS dos centros participantes. No paseo había un aparcadoiro sinalizado con bandeiras cos nomes de cada centro.

Despois da merenda poideron disfrutar dunha clase de Zumba.

Queremos, dende aquí, agradecer ó equipo de Educación Vial do Concello a boa organización do evento. A rapazada tivo un día inolvidable. Aquí podedes ver algunha foto dese día.


On Friday May 3rd we celebrated the 12th cycling outing in Narón.

9 Primary school centres from Narón and a Primary School centre from Neda participated. There were more than 1200 children from Year 3 to Year 6 (9 to 12 years old), they were accompanied by teachers, parents and the Cycling Club "Nuestra Señora de Chamorro"

The cycling started at 10:00 am and lasted until 14:00 pm. One group went out from the Town Hall and little by little the rest of the people from the other schools were incorporating to the first group and they cycling through Narón streets until they arrived to Xuvia Promenade.

In Xuvia, there was prepared a healthy snack : fruit and water for all the participants. The food was given by members of the School Parents Associations. There was also a bike park with different flags to sign the place where every school could leave their bikes.

After the snack the children could join a Zumba class.

We want to thank the Narón Safety Road Equipment for the great organization of this event.

Children , parents and teachers really enjoy this activity and the weather was perfect to celebrate a day on our bikes.

Here you can see photos of this event. We hope you enjoy them.