Este mes de abril recibimos a visita de estudantes e profesores socios do proxecto Erasmus “On Your Bike”viñeron 8 nenos e nenas de dous centros de Gales, 4 estudantes de un centro de Secundaria de Finlandia, 9 estudantes de dous centros de Secundaria de Noruega, 7 estudantes de dous centros de Primaria de Portugal e 9 estudantes de tres centros de Primaria de Turquía, viñan acompañados por 21 profesores dos seus centros. Estiveron en España do 7 ao 12 de abril.O primeiro día visitaron o Concello e os rapaces e rapazas de 6º EP acompañáronos nun baile na Praza de Galicia. O martes visitaron o CEIP A Solaina, o mércores os estudantes fixeron o primeiro congreso “On your Bike” no Pazo da Cultura, coñecemos de primeira man os centros e os proxectos dos nosos socios. A tarde do mércores fíxemos un viaxe en barco pola ría de Ferrol, os nenos de 5º EP, 4 rapaces de 6º e unha nena de 4º. O xoves estiveron no noso centro. Chegaron ás 10 da mañá e recibímolos cunha muiñeira, a segunda vez que puxemos a música pedímoslle que se animaran a bailar e fixemos unha roda con todos os participantes do Erasmus. Despois cos nenos e nenas de 6ºEP de guías visitaron toda as clases para coñecer un pouquiño mellor Galicia. As 11:30 compartimos con todo o colexio o recreo e ás 12 saimos todos polo paseo coas bicis emprestadas polos alumnos e alumnas do noso centro e polo concello, visitamos o Muíño das Aceas, a Magnolia Centenaria e os Estanques de Neda. O Venres visitaron o CEIP Virxe do Mar.Foi unha semana moi especial que nunca olvidaremos no CEIP Ponte de Xuvia!!!!.






On April the 11th we received the visit of our European partners of The Erasmus project. There were 8 Welsh Primary students from two centers in Cardiff, 4 Finnish students from a Secondary school in Kuopiio, 9 Secondary students from Bergen in Norway, 7 Primary students from MonÇao and ValenÇa in Portugal and 9 Turkish Primary students from Mersin. They were accompanied by 21 teachers from their school. They stayed in Spain from the 8th to the 12th of April. On Monday they visited the Town Hall and were welcomed by Marian Ferreiro, The Lady Mayor, our students in Year 6 danced a zumba class with them. On Tuesday they visited the school CEIP A Solaina, On Wednesday some representatives of the students participated in the First Congress On Your Bike in Pazo da Cultura, their speeches helped us to know more things about their schools and their projects. On Wednesday afternoon we had a boat trip in Ferrol estuary. Students from Year 5, Year 6 and Year 4 participated on the boat trip. On Thursday they were at our school. We started dancing a Muiñeira (typical Galician dancing) and then with the help of Year 6 students they visited the classrooms where we showed them different Power Points presentations giving them relevant information about Galicia. Then the whole school shared the break and at 12 o´clock we went on a bike ride. We visited Aceas Mill, the Centenary Magnolia Tree and Neda´s Ponds. We will never forget this day in CEIP Ponte De Xuvia School. Finally, on Friday they spent the morning in CEIP Virxe do Mar. Thank you for being with us. We will never forget that special week.