Clubs de lectura

Book Club 1st meeting in Sar

The Uncommon ReaderWe will be meeting on December 9th 2022, 6:30 pm till 8:00pm at the Library of the Sección de Sar. The book selection for the first meeting is Alan Bennett's The Uncommon Reader, a lovely novella about the subversive and transforming power of reading fiction.

All C-level students are welcome! If you want to join us, you need to sign up here. Participation is limited to the first 15 students who sign up!

Club de lecture de français

Club de lectureLa première rencontre du club de lecture de français aura lieu le lundi 12 décembre à 17h30 à la bibliothèque de l'EOI. Nous parlerons de la BD Un homme est mort, de Kris et Étienne Davodeau. Pendant la séance, nous aurons le privilège de pouvoir discuter avec Kris qui nous accompagnera de manière virtuelle.

Club de lectura en galego 'Amantes dos libros'

Marilar AleixandreA cabeza da medusa, de Marilar Aleixandre. Encontro coa autora.

NOVA DATA E HORA! Mércores 14 de decembro ás 19:30h.

O xoves 15 de decembro de 2022 ás 18:00 horas na Biblioteca.


Club di lettura posterPerché cominciare a leggere insieme in italiano può essere come entrare in un alveare!

Club di lettura in italiano. Le presentazioni si terranno il prossimo mercoledì 26 ottobre. Trovate tutta l’informazione sul nostro blog:
Ci vediamo in biblioteca!

Mércores 26 de outubro 2022, 12:00 e 18:30 na biblioteca, dto Italiano, contacto Inma.

Book Club 4th Meeting

Book club posterWe'll discuss Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected, a collection of short stories that will amuse, amaze and even terrify you.

April 22nd 2022 at 6:30pm in Sar.

Don't forget to sign up at

Save the date!

Book Club 3rd Meeting

Cartel club de lecturaGet ready to talk about Ian McEwan’s The Children Act, a thought-provoking story about a high court judge who finds her world disrupted by a life-or-death decision.

March 4th 2022 at 6:30pm in Sar.

Don't forget to sign up here.

Save the date!

Club de lectura en galego: 'Flores de ferro' de María Rei Vilas (PREMIO GARCÍA BARROS 2020)

Cartel club de lecturaCamila viviu durante décadas unha mentira sostida coa complicidade dos que a rodean. No seu regreso á vila de Briana, no verán de 1987, deberá reunir o valor para enfrontarse á verdade. Alí, Antón, o ferreiro artista, pechouse no seu mundo, a arrastrar a dor e a culpa dos que non souberon ver como o mal se estendía ata que foi demasiado tarde. A visita da súa neta, Helia, vivo retrato da avoa, daralle azos para contar o que durante tantos anos calou.

Mércores 12 de xaneiro de 2022 das 19:30 ás 20:30 no salón de actos (contacto

Join the EOI Sar Book Club!

Book club SarOur first meeting will be held at the library of the IES de Sar on Friday, November 26.

We won't have a specific book to discuss. Instead, we will talk about our expectations for the club, exhange book recommendations and get informed about the dates and times of this academic year's book club meetings.

Participation is limited to the first 18 students who sign up. If you want to join the meeting, sign up here.

Hope to see you on November 26. Save the date!

Book club 4th meeting

The Cather in the RyeOur 4th virtual meeting will discuss D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, one of the most widely read and beloved of all contemporary American novels, credited with instilling in many of us a lifelong love of reading. Participation is limited to the first 15 students who sign up here.

Once you've signed up, go to Webex and you will have access to our meeting room. Our meeting will take place on Friday, April 30 2021 at 7:00pm.

Save the date!

Club de lectura en galego

Ramon Vilar LandeiraMartes 20 de abril de 2021 ás 20:00 en Webex

Reunión do Club de lectura do EDLG e do Departamento de galego para falarmos do libro de Ramón Vilar Landeira Un peixe no parqué, de Edicións Xerais coa participación do autor. O libro está dispoñíbel na biblioteca. Apúntate, manda un correo á coordinadora

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