7th Mini saga contest

Mini saga contestHelp us choose the finalists of the 7th Mini Saga Contest by reading the 15 mini stories on this link and voting for your favourite mini saga here.

Public voting will be enabled until December 9th.

The jury, who will be composed of members from the teaching staff of the English department, will judge the 7 stories that receive the highest number of votes and award 3 prizes based on their originality and linguistic quality.

Winners will be announced on December 16th.


Can you imagine a story in 50 words? Enter the 7th Mini Saga Contest of the EOI de Santiago de Compostela!
If you wish to take part and win a fabulous prize, read the terms below:

Participation terms:

  • To enter, you must be a B2.2. or a C-level student enrolled in the EOI of Santiago de Compostela (Vite) or its satellite schools.
  • Write your mini saga in exactly 50 words (plus a title up to 15 words).
  • Send your text to biblioteca.sar@eoisantiago.org no later than November 18th, 2022. Make sure you include your full name and the name of your group.
  • A maximum of 15 stories will be shorlisted and published here so that anyone can vote on their favourite mini saga. Public voting will be enabled until December 9th.
  • The 7 stories that receive the highest number of votes will be considered by a jury of teachers from the English department, who will choose the 3 winners based on the originality and linguistic quality of the stories.
  • Winners will be announced on December 16th, 2022.
  • EOI SANTIAGO retains the rights to publish your text online or in a printed compilation.

Participation in this contest necessarily requires the unconditional acceptance of its terms.

To follow the news related to this contest, please, check the blog EOI Sar Bookworms.