Valoración del curso Coaching Paths

Había que valorar el curso, y así lo he hecho. No sé si soy subjetiva y lo que pongo aquí son interpretaciones en vez de hechos, pero lo que sí soy es sincera en mi aportación.

Ya sólo me queda daros la charla en persona, estoy en ello, espero que sea este mes o a la vuelta de vacaciones en los primeros días.

¡Gracias por haberme seguido a lo largo de esta movilidad!


From the very beginning this has been a unique course in a unique place, surrounded by unique people: excellent coaches, peer-coachees, volunteer students. Very well organized and fully developed. As a participant I had to be so active and involved that I really learned! It was not only about learning what the coaching method is and means, but also about thinking in terms of awareness, mindfulness, relaxation, understanding others' language, body-language, difference between facts and interpretations, getting to really know you. In short, for me it was a turning point: I think it will help me as a teacher, yes, but as a person too. I really thank life for having been a part of this! Well done!