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2º ESO


Summer activities!

Hello everyone,

deixamos aquí os documentos para traballar durante o verán e que vos axudarán a preparar o exame  que será entre os días  1 e 4 de setembro.

Para poder presentarvos ao exame de recuperación

é imprescindible que presentedes estas tarefas antes do 26 de agosto. Enviádelas por correo electrónico como viñemos facendo durante o 3º trimestre.

Se tedes algunha dúbida non deixedes de preguntar.

Take care and have a nice summer!

3rd Term Week 9 Final Task (Tuesday 8th June)

Hello, my quaranteens!


This is the final task I will ask you to do. Triste

I'm giving you an extra day to do it, too. 

For next Monday, the 15th of June,

I want you to rap and sing this tune. 

Click here to watch the video.

Listen to it, read the lyrics, prepare your show.

Practise rapping to the beat.

You can do it with your friends, now that you can meet.


I'm attaching the lyrics in the pdf below.

Just in case you need them to record your show.

I hope that making it makes you happy!

When you finish the recording, please send it to me.






2º ESO 3rd TERM WEEK 8 (Tuesday 2nd June)

English in my life 




 Hello, my quaranteens!

This week you are going to analyse the use of English in your life.

Make a note, every day, of how and when English appears in your life.

It can be, for example, when you listen to a song, when you watch television, or in an expression that you use with your friends. 

From now until Sunday, write a list of the different moments English "appears" in your life, and send me your list on Sunday 7th in the evening, or Monday 8th before 12:00.

Easy peasy!


3rd Term Week 7 (Tuesday 26th May)

Hello, my quaranteens!

This week, your task is all about pronunciation. 

You only have to produce two sentences, one audio, and one video!

That's it!

Easy peasy!

Have fun!


2º ESO 3rd Term Healthy Habits task


Hello, my quaranteens!

This is a small task for you, for Healthy Habits.

The deadline is Sunday, 31st May, 23:59Sorriso



2º ESO 3rd TERM WEEK SIX (Tuesday 19th May)


Hello, my quaranteens!

For Monday 25th May, at 12:00 you have a special mission...Sorprendido

I hope you enjoy the tasks for this week. Guiño

May the force be with you!



Distribuir contido

by Dr. Radut