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Let's be healthy!

Christmas Wishes!

We all want to wish you... 

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Last Wednesday, 25th November, was a special day. It was the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women" and the children of the first level were talking about our hands.

We think that we can use our hands to play, to touch, to tickle, to write, to draw... but not to hit.

Our hands are made to love.


O pasado mércores, 25 de novembro, era o Día contra a violencia de xenéro, e os nenos e nenas de primeiro estivemos pensando para qué podemos usar as nosas mans: para acariciar, para abrazar, para facer cóxegas, para xogar, para escribir, para debuxar... para moitas cousas, pero nunca para pegar.

As nosas mans están feitas para querer.

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by Dr. Radut