Ireland and Saint Patrick's Day

17th March was Saint Patrick's Day, a national holiday in Ireland. This day people often wear shamrocks and green clothes. There are parades in the whole country but also in other parts of the world such as New York, London, Sydney, Quebec, Chicago... In addition, many of these cities turn their buildings green for one day. Take a look.


According to the legend, leprechauns are said to be very small beings living in the woods and carrying pots of gold. And now a curiosity, did you know that there are not snakes in Ireland?


O 17 de marzo foi o Día de San Patricio, unha festa nacional en Irlanda. Neste día a xente leva trevos e roupa verde. Hai desfiles en todo o país, pero tamén noutras partes do mundo, como Nova York, Londres, Sydney, Quebec, Chicago... Ademais, moitas desas cidades transforman os seus edificios en verde por un día. Bótalle un ollo.

Segundo a lenda, os leprechauns son uns seres moi pequenos que viven no bosque e transportan potes de ouro. E agora unha curiosidade, sabias que non existen cobras en Irlanda?