
Documentos Digital Week




2º Bach

1º Bach

1º ES0

2º ESO

3º ESO

4º ESO


Certificacións de inglés dos niveis B1, B2 y C1.

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Thought of the day

15 Nov 2015

Rain is good for vegetables, and for the animals who eat those vegetables, and for the animals who eat those animals.

Samuel Johnson



O alumnado de 1º ESO participou esta semana no programa de innovación educativa, organizado nos Peares pola Consellería de Cultura, Educación, Formación Profesional e Universidades: DIGITAL WEEK.  Durante unha semana, alumnos e alumnas de 1º da ESO participou nunha semana de Inmersión Lingüística en inglés realizando actividades STEM e dixitais, compartindo a experiencia e convivindo con alumnado doutros centros públicos de Galicia. 

Unha experiencia inesquecible de aprendizaxe e mellora competencial plurilingüe, dixital e social.    

New Year's resolutions

Os alumnos de 1º da ESO, na clase de inglés, realizaron varios carteis, un por grupo, nos que expresan os seus bos propósitos e promesas de Aninovo




O 28 de outubro celebramos no instituto a festividade de Halloween. Os alumnos de 2º da ESO participaron nun concurso para elixir " What is the Scariest Poster" entre os tres elaborados polos tres cursos de 1º da ESO. Tamén se realizou un quizz entre os alumnos de 1º da Eso no que tiñan que adiviñar sete palabras relacionadas con HALLOWEEN. A gañadora do quizz aparece na foto xunto á súa profesora.


Saint Patrick's Day

Dezasete de marzo de 2021: no instituto celebramos o día de San Patricio, patrón de Irlanda. Os rapaces e rapazas vestiron de verde ou trouxeron un trébol da sorte como di a tradición, pero adémais deixaron plasmadas as súas mensaxes expresando os motivos polos que se sinten afortunados. “May your day be touched with a bit of Irish luck, brightened by a song in your heart and warmed with smiles by the people you love” Happy St. Patrick’s day!!


Outras imaxes

American Traditions

Thanksgiving Day
National holiday in the United States commemorating the Pilgrims' celebration of the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony in 1621, after a winter of great starvation and privation. The celebration was probably held in October. The neighboring Wampanoags, who outnumbered the colonists, joined them for three days and contributed food to the celebration. The first proclaimed day of thanksgiving in the colony was not held until 1623 (probably at the end of July), following an improvement in prospects for the still struggling colony, and was a day of prayer, not feasting.

After the American Revolution the first national Thanksgiving Day, proclaimed by President George Washington, was Nov. 26, 1789, and the Episcopal Church began celebrating an annual day of thanksgiving on the first Thursday in November. Some states established an annual Thanksgiving Day, but there was no annual national holiday until President Abraham Lincoln, urged by Sarah J. Hale, proclaimed one in 1863, appointing as the date the last Thursday of November. Although the only known contemporary account of the 1621 Plymouth harvest celebration had been rediscovered in 1841, the national Thanksgiving Day initially was not officially linked to it.
In 1939, 1940, and 1941 President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed Thanksgiving the next-to-last Thursday in November. Conflicts arose between Roosevelt's proclamation and about half of those of state governors, and in 1941 Congress passed a joint resolution decreeing that Thanksgiving should fall on the fourth Thursday of November. The day is observed by church services and family reunions; the customary turkey dinner is a reminder of the wildfowl served at the Pilgrims' celebration. Canadians also celebrate a national Thanksgiving Day, on the second Monday in October; prior to 1957 it was on the last Monday of the month.

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