My School


5th GRADE.- 3rd week (30th march-3rd april) 




Good morning, children and families! 

We have already reviewed SPORTS, the unit we were working at the school two weeks ago, and the verbs TO BE, TO HAVE and PRESENT SIMPLE.. Do you understand everything about these topics?

Firstly, finish these topics and check you already know the vocabulary and grammar.


Next days we are going to review the vocabulary from other topics: School, Food, Clothes, The Time, Family, Home, etc..  (Aula Virtual, 3º e 4º) (The links focused on vocabulary are in this section). You can do all the links, but at least do some of the LIVE worksheets to check if you know the vocabulary of the topic. 

We are going to start with this topic:  MY SCHOOL. Perhaps some of the games or videos are too easy for you, then continue and you will find more difficult ones or  just do the LIVE worksheets.

Remeber to watch videos and films in "Videos and Films" and read and listen to stories in "Readings"..



Bo día, chic@s e familias! 

Xa revisamos SPORTS, a unidade que estabamos traballando no cole, e o verbos TO BE, TO HAVE e PRESENT SIMPLE.. Entendestes e sabedes todo sobre estes temas?

Revisaremos o vocabulario de diferentes temas: school (escola), food (comida), clothes (roupa), the time (a hora), family (a familia), home ( a casa), etc. (Aula Virtual 3º e 4º) . As actividades que se centran en vocabulario destes temas están nesta sección, isto non quere dicir que esteades a traballar cousas de 4º . Facede, polo menos algunha das LIVE worksheets de cada tema para comprobar que sabedes o vocabulario. Lembrar que para que a aplicación me envíe os resultados das liveworksheets tedes que, ao rematar a ficha, pulsar “Finish” e entón davos a opción de enviarma, escribindo o voso nome e curso e o meu email (

Agora vamos empezar coa unidade  MY SCHOOL. Quizá algúns dos xogos e videos son moi fáciles para vós, entón seguide e atoparedes outros máis difíciles, sobre todo os que poñen (3rd Cycle). Podedes facer todas as actividades, se queredes, pero polo menos facede, como vos dixen, algunha das  LIVE worksheets, para comprobar que sabedes o vocabulario do tema. Lembrar tamén que poden ver debuxos animados no apartado “Videos and Films” e escoitar e ler historias en Readings”.

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