3rd - 4th GRADES

    3rd GRADE-4th GRADE.GENERAL PLANNING.- (1st week. 16th-20th March)                                                                                   


 Hi, children! 

As we talked a few days ago, these are days to stay at home, but it´s not holiday, so we have to carry on studying, sharing the household chores, taking care of our family and, of course, having fun. If our hobbies used to be outdoors, let´s look for different activities we can do at home that are also enjoyable.

So, cheer up and make the most of this time!


In the Virtual Classroom (https://www.edu.xunta.gal/centros/ceipdearzua/aulavirtual/), as you know,  you can find lots of activities: games, interactive worksheets, videos with real conversations, stories, songs, cartoons, films,etc. 

Some activities you can do:

  • Review vocabulary of the diferent topics:

Self introduction

My school

Foods and Drinks



Telling the time



Describing people


Daily Routines

  • Review grammar:


Verbal tense: Present Continuous

  • Listen to stories (video and worksheets about the video)

  • Watch cartoons and films (videos with subtitles).- You can have fun watching Pepa Pig, Muzzy in Gondoland, Dora The Explorer, Pocoyo and a lot of different cartoons and learn english at the same time.

Sudents who have not got internet at home, try to review the class book an do as many activities, summaries, dialogues as you can.


3rd GRADE.- 1st week


How about if we start reviewing HOBBIES (activities and roleplay “At Arzúa café”), TO BE and TO HAVE this week? Do as many activities as you can and  ask me your doubts if you have any. I´m working in a special unit “At the Rooftop café” now. There are these activities liveworksheets.com that are checked and you can have a mark when you finish them. They are good to self-evaluation and the application will send me the results. Finish also the activities in the Unit 3, “At the Rooftops café”,  in your Activity book.

My email address is tareixadiaz@gmail.com and my telephone number is 616712997.

Please, let me know any problem or doubt you have. I´ll do my best trying to solve it..


4th GRADE.-  1st week


How about if we start this week reviewing and practising MY SCHOOL (activities and roleplay “At Arzúa School”), TO BE andTO HAVE? Do as many activities as you can and  ask me your doubts if you have any.There are these activities liveworksheets.com that are checked and you can have a mark when you finish them. They are good to self-evaluation and the aplication will send me the results. Finish also the activities in the Unit 3,At the Rooftops School”,  in your Activity book.

My email address is tareixadiaz@gmail.com and my telephone number is 616712997.

Please, let me know any problem or doubt you have. I´ll do my best trying to solve it..


Ola, chic@s! 

Como xa falaramos, estes son días de retiro na casa, pero non son vacacións, así que temos que seguir estudando, colaborando nas tarefas da casa, coidando da nosa familia e, como non, divertíndonos. Se as nosas actividades favoritas adoitaban ser fora da casa, temos que buscar outras que podamos facer na casa que tamén son divertidas.

Así que, ánimo e aproveitade este tempo!


Na Aula Virtual (https://www.edu.xunta.gal/centros/ceipdearzua/aulavirtual/), como sabedes, podedes atopar moitas actividades: xogos, fichas interactivas, videos con conversations reais, historias, canción, debuxos animados, películas, etc.

Algunhas actividades que podedes facer son:

  • Repaso do vocabulario de diferentes temas:

Self introduction (Presentándose a un/unha mesma)

My school (A miña escola)

Foods and Drinks (Comidas e bebidas)

Clothes (Roupa)Weather (O tempo)

Telling the time (A hora)

Families (A fmilia)

Home (A casa)

Describing people (Descripcións)

Sports (Deportes)

Daily Routines (Rutinas diarias)

  • Repasar gramática:


Verbal tense: Pesent Continuous (Presente Continuo)

  • Escoitar historias

  • Ver debuxos animados e películas. Podes divertirte vendo Pepa Pig, Muzzy in Gondoland, Dora The Explorer, Pocoyo e muitos outros debuxos subtitulados e aprender inglés ao mesmo tempo)

 Os nenos e nenas que non teñades internet na casa, repasade no libro de texto e a libreta as cousas que levamos feitas: actividades, resumos, diálogos, etc.


3º CURSO.- 1ª semana


Que tal se empezamos repasando  HOBBIES (actividades e diálogo “At Arzúa Café”), TO BE e TO HAVE? Estou traballando nunha unidade especial “At the Rooftop café” con actividades especiais desa unidade no libro. Fai tantas actividades como podas e pregúntame as dúbidas que teñas. Recorda as fichas liveworksheets.com que se autocorrixen e che poñen a nota, son boas para autoevaluarse e a aplicación enviarame os resultados. Remata tamén as actividades da Unidade 3, “At the Rooftops café” no Libro de Actividades.


O meu correo electrónico é tareixadiaz@gmail.com e o meu número de teléfono é 616712997.

Por favor, cóntame calquera problema ou dúbida que teñas. Farei o posible por resolvelo..


4º CURSO.- 1ª semana


Que tal se empezamos repasando e practicando MY SCHOOL (actividades e diálogo “At Arzúa school”), TO BE e TO HAVE? Fai tantas actividades como podas e pregúntame as dúbidas que teñas. Recorda as fichas liveworksheet.com que se autocorrixen e che poñen a nota, son boas para autoevaluarse e a aplicación enviarame a min os resultados. Remata tamén as actividades da Unidade 3, “At the Rooftops school”,  no Libro de Actividades.

O meu correo electrónico é tareixadiaz@gmail.com e o meu número de teléfono é 616712997.

Por favor, cóntame calquera problema ou dúbida que teñas. Farei o posible por resolvelo..


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