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2º ESO and 4º ESO 4th week Europe answer key


1. Which are the largest and the smallest countries in Europe?
The largest country in Europe is Russia, and the smallest is Vatican City.

2. Which countries have the most and the least population?
The country with the most population is Russia, and the least populated country is Vatican City.

3. How many official languages are there in Europe?
There are 24 official languages in Europe.

4. Which countries have a border with other continents?
a) Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia have a border with Asia. In fact, they are transcontinental countries.
b) Spain borders with Africa.

5. Which countries don’t use the Euro? What are the names of their currency?

There are 25 currencies in Europe.

Countries which don’t use the Euro and their currencies:

Albania, Lek, Armenia, Dram, Azerbaijan, Manat, Belarus, Ruble, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mark, Bulgaria, Lev, Croatia, Kuna, Czech Republic, Koruna, Denmark Krone,, Georgia, Lari, Hungary, Forint, Iceland, Krona, Liechtenstein, Franc, Moldova, Leu, North Macedonia, Denar, Norway, Krone, Poland, Zloty, Romania Leu,, Russia Ruble,, Serbia, Dinar, Sweden, Krona, Switzerland, Franc, Turkey, Lira, Ukraine, Hryvnia, U.K. Pound.


page | by Dr. Radut