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Linguas estranxeiras

Restaurant films!

Restaurant Films!



As an end of term project, we decided to use our food vocabulary to create short films set in restaurants. To prepare, in groups the children designed their own menus with starters, main courses, desserts and drinks for the restaurants and a script with a story board to show what they wanted to record. Each group decided on a name for their restaurant and who would be the waiter and who would be the guests. The children helped make the film and were extras in the background.  Watch them below!



Family song / Canción da familia

Here is a song that we have been using in English classes with Infantil to learn the members of the family, hope you enjoy it!!


Aquí hai unha canción que estamos usando nas clases de inglés con Infantil para aprender o nome dos membros da familia, esperamos que vos guste!!!!

Healthy food / Comida saudable

To prepare for the healthy eating congress in Santiago, we compared our school with a primary school in Wales, United Kingdom. We looked at the school menus for a four week period and compared our eating habits. We made graphs showing, for example, the amount of meat, fish, fruit, and vegetables eaten. We found that both schools were quite similar but Lousada was healthier overall. In the welsh school we found out that they have the choice between an unhealthy dessert and fresh fruit and often have fried food. Whereas in Lousada everyday we eat fresh fruit and vegetables and salads. We showed our findings by making a poster and decorating it with pride!


We are all ready to go to the congress! See you there!



Para prepararnos para o congreso de comida saudable en Santiago, nós comparamos o noso colexio con un de Gales, no Reino Unido. Miramos o menú durante un mes e comparamos os nosos hábitos alimentarios. Fixemos gráficos para mostrar, por exemplo, a cantidade de carne, peixe, froitas e verduras que comemos. Atopamos que os dous colexios teñen hábitos moi similares, pero en Lousada comemos máis san. No colexio galés atopamos que o alumnado para as sobremesas pode escoller entre algo pouco saudable e froita fresca, e con moita frecuencia teñen comida frita. Mentres en Lousada todos os días tomamos froita fresca, verduras e ensaladas. Nós amosamos os nosos resultados nun gran cartel.
Estamos preparados para ir ao congreso!! Vémonos alí!!!!!!



Our art project / O noso proxecto de plástica

As we are a multilingual school, last semester we started a project in Art about food and the supermarket in English. We learnt the vocabulary for the food items by listening to videos. In class we read a book about a cat and mouse, we liked it so much we chose the name for our supermarket. We filled it with lots of healthy and tasty foods. We coloured in pictures and stuck them to our supermarket and wrote the names in english.


Como somos un centro plurilingüe e plurinfantil, o pasado trimestre comezamos un proxecto en plástica sobre a comida e o supermercado en inglés. Aprendemos o vocabulario para as comidas escoitando videos. Na clase lemos un libro sobre un gato e un rato, gustounos tanto que o eliximos o seu título para o noso supermercado. Enchemolo con moitas comidas saudables e saborosas. Coloreamos os debuxos e logo pegamolo no noso supermercado e escribimos os seus nomes en inglés.

Here the children are making baskets for the food.

Aquí está o alumnado facendo os cestos para a comida.

Sticking the baskets filled with food to the supermarket.

Pegando os cestos cheos de comida no supermercado.




Revising the body parts! Lembrar as partes do corpo!

After the Easter holidays we started in our English classes with revising the parts of the body. We coloured in monsters and dragons and labelled their bodies with the correct words. After this we watched videos that we sang and danced to a lot. We had lots of fun and learnt new things!

Despois das vacacións da Semana Santa comezamos nas nosas clases de inglés a lembrar as partes do corpo. Pintamos monstruos e dragóns e escribimos as palabras correctas. Despois disto vimos vídeos, cantamos e bailamos. Divertímonos moito e aprendemos cousas novas!


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by Dr. Radut