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Healthy food / Comida saudable

To prepare for the healthy eating congress in Santiago, we compared our school with a primary school in Wales, United Kingdom. We looked at the school menus for a four week period and compared our eating habits. We made graphs showing, for example, the amount of meat, fish, fruit, and vegetables eaten. We found that both schools were quite similar but Lousada was healthier overall. In the welsh school we found out that they have the choice between an unhealthy dessert and fresh fruit and often have fried food. Whereas in Lousada everyday we eat fresh fruit and vegetables and salads. We showed our findings by making a poster and decorating it with pride!


We are all ready to go to the congress! See you there!



Para prepararnos para o congreso de comida saudable en Santiago, nós comparamos o noso colexio con un de Gales, no Reino Unido. Miramos o menú durante un mes e comparamos os nosos hábitos alimentarios. Fixemos gráficos para mostrar, por exemplo, a cantidade de carne, peixe, froitas e verduras que comemos. Atopamos que os dous colexios teñen hábitos moi similares, pero en Lousada comemos máis san. No colexio galés atopamos que o alumnado para as sobremesas pode escoller entre algo pouco saudable e froita fresca, e con moita frecuencia teñen comida frita. Mentres en Lousada todos os días tomamos froita fresca, verduras e ensaladas. Nós amosamos os nosos resultados nun gran cartel.
Estamos preparados para ir ao congreso!! Vémonos alí!!!!!!



blog | by Dr. Radut