Educación Física

Blog trip to London

Se queres seguir as viaxes a Londres do alumnado das Seccións Bilingües (en inglés) de Educación Física, bótalle unha ollada ao blog da viaxe, premendo na imaxe.

Logo blog trip to London

Basic rules to play singles badminton/ Regras básicas para o bádminton individuais.


Have a look at the attached file to know the basic rules to play singles badminton.

You can find the scorecard in the second attached file.

Don´t forget that you can find more details about this sport on the Internet. For example,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Merry ChristmasI wish you  a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

How to play rounders/Xogamos a rounders

21/12/2009 00:15
21/12/2009 12:00

O alumnado de 2º A, 2º B, 3º A e 3º C da Seccion Bilingüe en inglés de Educación Física participará na actividade "How to play rounders"rounders' player no Pavillón Municipal de Brión en horario de 9.15 a 12.05 o luns, 21 de decembro.

Contaremos coa colaboración de Molly Carr procedente dos EE.UU. e que está vivindo en Santiago de Compostela durante este curso académico 2009-2010.

Ver detalles no arquivo adxunto.


How to play floorball

floorball logo

You can find in the attached file some basic rules to know how to play floorball.

After reading these rules, please fill the following questionnaire.

PEC: contribución do Seminario de Educación Física

O Seminario de Educación Física propoñemos colaborar na elaboración do PEC no apartado 2.6 Educación en valores.

Ana Cadenas e Carmen García

Tag rugby

Please, have a look at these files to know more about how to play tag rugby.

Joints and muscles

Have a look at the attached files to find the name of some important joints and muscles.

Also, you can practice your pronunciation here and you can get more information about joints and muscles here.

As usual, enjoy while your are learning!

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