Conectadas é un proxecto creado para a participación na 5ª edición de Wisibilízalas cos obxectivos de dar visibilidade a mulleres do noso entorno, promocionar ámbitos STEAM e o traballo en grupo a través das TIC.

No proxecto participaron trece mulleres, once delas conectadas directamente á nosa comunidade educativa, alumnas da ESO e Bacharelato, ex alumnas, profesoras, nai de ex alumnos e dúas profesoras e investigadoras da USC.

Agradecemenos a Flavia, Bea, Marta, Carmen, Paloma, Erica, Antía, Nerea, Noela, Eva, Cristina, Teresa e Mercedes a súa colaboración. Sen elas este proxecto non sería posible.

O proxecto foi creado por alumnado de 2º de Bacharelato nas materias de TIC II e Tradución.

“Conectadas” is a project carried out by the IES de Brion to participate in the 5th edition of Wisibilízalas, with the objective of giving visibility to women in our environment and promoting the field of STEM and teamwork through ICTs.

13 women participated in the project, 11 of whon are directly connected to our educational community as highschool students, graduates, teachers, parents of past graduates or researchers for the University of Santiago de Compostela, which is near Brion.

We would like to thank Flavia, Bea, Marta, Carmen, Paloma, Érica, Antía, Nerea, Noela, Eva, Cristina, Teresa and Mercede for their participation in this project.

We are students in our last year of highschool in the IES de Brión, and created the website in our ICT subject, with help from the students of our Translation class.