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Postre típico de La India

By caloto - Posted on 17 Febreiro 2022

Alumnos de 5º e 3º de primaria tiveron a oportunidade de probar un postre típico de India, elaborado pola nosa auxiliar Dimple Sood.
Os nenos practicaron o vocabulario dos ingredientes da receta unhas novas e outras de repaso.

Fixeron un xogo onde tiñan que adiviñar os ingredientes.

Typical Indian dessert  Narigal Ke laddoo
Students of 5 and 3 grade had the opportunity to taste a typical Indian dessert prepared by our auxiliar Dimple Sood
Pupils practise some new vocabulary and a revision with the ingredients of the recipe.
We played a game where they had to guess the ingredients on the basis of smell and taste of the dish





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