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By isabel - Posted on 10 Novembro 2021

This week (Nov 01- Nov 05), as part of exposure to  other cultures, students learned about famous indian festival Diwali which was celebrated in India on 4th of November this year. Students compared major celebration styles here in their home country and students were amazed to know that Diwali is also celebrated with the same spirit and almost same practices as decorating the houses, having family parties and dinner, exchange of gifts etc. Students enjoyed the presentation and video prepared by the current indian auxiliar about Diwali. Looking at the decorations, students also made some Diwali cards. Many of them showed an interest of visiting India someday just to witness Diwali as a personal experience. They were overwhelmed after knowing about the variety of sweets that form part of Diwali celebration.

Esta semana, (nov 01 -nov 05), como una parte del intercambio cultural los estudiantes aprendieron sobre, Diwali que se celebró el 04 de noviembre este año y es el festival indio más famoso. El alumnado comparó festivales de su propio país y le sorprendió que Diwali también se celebra con el entusiasmo  de dar  regalos, decorar la casa, celebrar cenas familiares y fiestas etc. Los estudiantes visualizaron una presentación y un video preparados por la auxiliar actual. Al ver la decoración,  los estudiantes tambien hicieron unas tarjetas de Diwali. Muchos de ellos mostraron interés de viajar a la India algún día para descubrir personalmente la experiencia de Diwali. Ellos estuvieron impresionados al observar la variedad de dulces que forma  parte de la celebración de Diwali.


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