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Yes! We made it one more time! The episode 5 of "The Book Nook" is here! You already know that we are in the 2nd season of this fascinating radio programme, made fully in English for and by YOU, the students of Emilia Pardo Bazán school.  


After an entire term of really hard work, we have released the second show of this school year 2022-2023, and the fifth in its story. And the results couldn´t be better! Thank you so much to all the collaborators for your effort. 

In the Genially below you can listen to the entire programme or you can go directly to each one of our sections: 

1. Intro: summary

2. "Speak out": our survey section: When is the best moment to read?

3. "Our book Clubs": with members of Bookworms and BookLand.

4. "Meet the author": in this ocassion we will meet the controversial Irish author Oscar Wilde.

5. "Galicianise yourself - The Celts": a section related to the PDI "Galeguízate"; this time we will present our ancestors, the Celts, and our close connection with Ireland.

6. "Our natives count": we will interview Cristina Pato, a Galician bagpiper in New York, who kindly came to our school to talk about her experience in the Big Apple.








As you know, this school year we are developing a project called "4 in a year". We try to learn as much as possible about the 4 seasons of the year through different activities using the new technologies. Well, our second approach is related to the current season: WINTER.  It is an immersive experience with : 

     - a podcast in our school radio station
     - peace wordclouds
     - posters
     - recommendations for an eco-friendly winter
     - our classroom display and a photocall
     - images created with AI (Artificial Intelligence).
Are you ready for a winter experience? Well, please sit on a comfy couch with a blanket and a hot chocolate. Here we go! 


Un grupo de mestras e mestres aventurámonos cun novo proxecto, un proxecto co que pretendemos mellorar a nosa competencia profesional docente e trasladalo ao traballo co noso alumnado.


“Galicianise yourself” or “Galeguízate”, this is the title of our PDI for this school year 2022-2023. The topic is related to the tangible and intangible cultural heritage. This refers to the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and passed to future generations. Examples of tangible cultural heritage include traditional clothing, tools, buildings, artwork, monuments, and modes of transportation. On the other hand, intangible cultural heritage refers to things that are not physical items but exist intellectually, such as language, rituals, traditions, legends, music, dance, food…

In this first approach to the topic, we want first to introduce ourselves as Galicians. What does it mean to be a Galician? What are our roots? Under the title "THIS IS US", we want to transmit you our traits, our roots, our essence as Galicians. Are we peculiar?  Are we different from people of other communities or regions? Oh, we definitely are, but in a good way. We are "riquiños", "teimudos" and a bit "repunantes". What else? Keep on searching in this interactive image and you will find out soon. Are you ready for a "Galician experience" under the guidance of students in year 5 and year 6? There we go!!!





As you know, this school year we are developing a project about the seasons called "4 in a year" with the groups in year 5 and year 6. Our goal is to learn as much as possible about the 4 seasons of the year through different activities and using the new technologies. Well, our first approach has to do with the autumn or fall. In the interactive image below, you can see the vocabulary we have learned, watch our classroom display, read our recommendations to go green in autumn, listen to the podcast we have recorded in our school radio station, and enjoy some images created with AI (Artificial Intelligence). To do so, we have used a programme called Wombo Dream: we just entered a prompt (3-4 words related to the autumn), picked an art-style and waited until Wombo turned our idea into an AI-powered painting. And the results couldn´t be better. Take a look...Here it is the whole experience of the autumn for you to enjoy.



De vez en cando, imos de brigada para limpar de lixo que aparece polo patio do colexio.

Abraiados quedamos do que podemos atopar: botes, bolsas de plástico, paraugas, bricks...

Xa podemos levar as cabazas que foron medrando para facer un puré/caldiño ben quentiño, nestes días fríos.

Temos un laurel que medra moito, así que podámolo un pouco.

Aproveitamos esas ramas para secalas un pouco e poder levar as follas para cociñar na casa.

Mmmmmm xa arrecende o cheiriño a laurel na potaxe, co marisco, no guiso...

Exercitamos a psicomotricidade fina... sacando as follas ás ramas... con coidado, que non rompan...

...para despois practicar o conteo das follas que lles poñemos en cada sobreciño... 

...que decoramos con moito agarimo previamente

Preparamos paquetiños de laurel para darlle de agasallo ao noso amigo maior

Estivemos en primaria para darlle o agasallo persoalmente ao noso amigo maior

Eles tamén agasalláronnos cunha manualidade feita por eles... moi navideña

As mestras tamén levaron o seu, para preparar nestas festas unha rica comida navideña.


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by Dr. Radut