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Breaking news!! "The Book Nook" is here again! We have just released the third and last show of this school year 2022-2023, and the sixth in its history. And the results are amazing! 

As you will see and hear, it is full of new exciting sections, all of them related to books, literature and reading. Thank you so much to all the collaborators for your effort. It is not easy to record a programme fully in English, but you all have worked really hard to make it real. 

In the Genially below you can listen to the entire programme or select the section you wish:

1. Intro: summary

2. "Speak out": our survey section: In what season do you read more?

3. "Our book Clubs": with members of Bookworms and BookLand.

4. "Meet the author": in this ocassion we will meet the great J K Rowling.

5. "Galicianise yourself - The other Coruñas of the world": a section related to the PDI "Galeguízate"; this time we will discover places named after our town in the 5 continents.

6. "Our natives count": we will interview Mark Guscin, a historian, writer, translator and mayoral advisor, who came to our school to tell us about the connections between our town and the English world.

But we need to mention that this is not just another ordinary episode. It is much more than that because we have to say goodbye to the radio team. Yes! They are leaving the school at the end of June to start a new adventure in Secondary. Thank you very much for your enthusiasm, energy and hard work! We will miss you tons!!! All the best!!!


Comeza a primavera, e con ela, novas plantacións.

Probamos a plantar leguminosas, para que prendan en algodóns: chícharos, lentellas, fabas e garbanzos.

Levamos algunhas para casa.

Preparamos na aula, pequenos semilleiros que trasplantaremos na terra.

Recollemos a colleita do inverno: repolos e porros.

Continuamos abonando do noso composteiro...

...dos desfeitos das merendas.

E empregamos humus líquido do compost das miñocas, para regar as nosas plantas.

Esta tempada plantamos:











novas XARDINEIRAS con bulbos de flores

Imos ver se esta ano temos ARÁNDANOS

Preparamos os bancais sacando as herbas e aireando a terra...

...para poñer tomates, pementos, cebolas, leitugas e flores, tendo en conta a asociación de cultivos, que nos axudan a que medren.

Coidamos que non se estragen as plantacións, que revisamos a cotío, e poñemos remedios naturais para evitalo, coma cascas de ovo, que esmagamos...

...para poñer arredor das plantas, para que non veñan os caracois.

Outros animais son beneficiosos e bo indicativo do estado da terra...

...ou que veñen erradicar plagas.

Para que veñan outros animaliños, poñémoslle un novo hotel de insectos.


Hoxe tocou cociñar PATACAS CON FABAS.

As derradeiras patacas que nos quedaran da colleita anterior, coas fabas que recollemos para cociñar no colexio...outras foron para casa.

Comezamos exercitando a psicomotricidade fina, debullando as fabas con coidado para non estragalas.

Cando xa temos todas, contámolas para ir vendo cantas nos van tocar a cada un.

A mestra debulla as patacas co coitelo, e facemos o mesmo.

Cocemos primeiro un pouco as patacas, xa que tardan máis en cociñarse.

Para despois botarlle as fabas.

Xa están todas feitas.

Así que lles sacamos a auga e poñémolas en platos para degustalas.

Mmmmmmm que ricas estaban!!!!!

Aínda queriamos máis.

Foi unha boa merenda de media mañá.


Fase 2

Na Fase 2 deste programa imos colaborar e compartir experiencias co CEIP Plurilíngüe A Laxe de Valón. 

O vindeiro mércores 24 de maio iremos visitar o centro e o xoves 25 virá o profesorado dese centro ao Emilia.

Encantadas/os de observar e compartir!!!!


The students in year 5 have been real chefs for a day in the English class! It was amazing to see us in our hats and aprons, more than ready to prepare 3 delicious desserts:

- Banoffee pie: a British dessert

- Fairy bread: an Australian treat

- Unicorn toast: another Australian treat

We had a great time and the desserts were absolutely delicious!!! Take a look: move your mouse around and you will discover all you need to do it at home. Enjoy!




As you know, within the project "4 in a year" we are developing a collaborative work about the seasons using the new technologies. Well,  the students in year 5 and year 6 are very proud to present you our latest creations, related to SPRING.  It is an immersive experience with: 

     - a podcast in our school radio station - year 5
     - spring posters - year 6
     - tips for a green spring - year 6
     - our classroom display
     - images created with AI (Artificial Intelligence) - year 5
Haven´t you noticed it? Spring has sprung! Just click in this interactive image to see it...

PDI - GALICIANISE YOURSELF: "Our ancestors, the Celts"


As you already know,  “Galicianise yourself” or “Galeguízate” is the title of our PDI for this school year 2022-2023, and it is related to the tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Examples of tangible cultural heritage include traditional clothing, tools, buildings, artwork, monuments, and modes of transportation. On the other hand, intangible cultural heritage refers to things that are not physical items but exist intellectually, such as language, rituals, traditions, legends, music, dance, food…


In our first approach to the topic, we introduced ourselves as Galicians, highlighting our traits, our roots, our essence as Galicians. Well, in this ocassion we want to find out more about our ancestors, the Celts, and see our connections with Ireland. We present our findings in an interactive infographic made collaboratively among all the students in year 5 and 6: 

     1.- The Celts, main facts - 6C

     2.- The wheel of the year - 6B

     3.- Celtic connections: Coruña & Ireland - 6A

     4.- Celtic words - 5A - 5B - 5C

Ready for a Celtic experience? Take a leaf of an oak tree and, with it in your hands, be a Celt for a while!



Yes! We made it one more time! The episode 5 of "The Book Nook" is here! You already know that we are in the 2nd season of this fascinating radio programme, made fully in English for and by YOU, the students of Emilia Pardo Bazán school.  


After an entire term of really hard work, we have released the second show of this school year 2022-2023, and the fifth in its story. And the results couldn´t be better! Thank you so much to all the collaborators for your effort. 

In the Genially below you can listen to the entire programme or you can go directly to each one of our sections: 

1. Intro: summary

2. "Speak out": our survey section: When is the best moment to read?

3. "Our book Clubs": with members of Bookworms and BookLand.

4. "Meet the author": in this ocassion we will meet the controversial Irish author Oscar Wilde.

5. "Galicianise yourself - The Celts": a section related to the PDI "Galeguízate"; this time we will present our ancestors, the Celts, and our close connection with Ireland.

6. "Our natives count": we will interview Cristina Pato, a Galician bagpiper in New York, who kindly came to our school to talk about her experience in the Big Apple.



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by Dr. Radut