Proxecto KA2: Z-Wave Digital Home


Partners' websites:

Here there are the links to our partners' websites to share the project:

Berufskolleg Tecklenburger Land from Germany:

Second Epal Neas Ionias Volou from Greece:

Itis Leonardo Davinci from Italy:

And this is the Project Card in the Erasmus+ Project Results platform link:



New event on 19th October for dissemination days of good practices in Erasmus +

We will be in Santiago on 19th again explaining the Project: Internacionaliza a túa escola. Erasmus+, eTwinning e outras propostas. Curso 2019-2020

Here it is the program! Beatriz Tourón from SEPIE will be also there. We hope to learn a lot and also to being succed in explaning our project to the assistants:

Radio interview on 27th September about ZWave project

Antonio Gonzalez reporting about the Project on Radio Galega. Coming son the podcast ;)

Here it is the link:

Well done Antonio Sonrisa

THIS IS THE END! Final meeting at CIFP Ferrolterra (5th and 6th September 2019)

The complete project was presented to the press and a demonstration of operation was carried out.

The news were published by La Voz de Galicia:

and also by El diario de Ferrol:

All partners agree that the sustainability of the project is implicit in the materials developed (teaching units, site, step-by-step videos in the channel of youtube and digital books with QR codes), as well as in the built-in panels since they will be used by students every year as the project is related to curricula of every country. And new materials will be developed son!!!

The sites with all the videos and units: 

The Youtube channel: 

Here there are the links to all partners' websites to share the project:

Berufskolleg Tecklenburger Land from Germany:

Second Epal Neas Ionias Volou from Greece:

Itis Leonardo Davinci from Italy:

CIFP Ferrolterra from Spain:

The didactics units in the form of e books in the following link or scanning the QRCODE developed by Apostolis: Link :

For me personally it has been a pleasure working with all of you. It has being a lot of work (I know, sorry for that), but I have felt absolutely supported by all of you and accompanied on this path that we have done together with this project. My best regards for you all, and my memories for those who are no longer.

FROM FAIR TO FAIR. Let’s go to the Makerfaire!!! (3rd, 4th, and 5th July 2019)

Last May we presented the project "ZWave Digital Home" in FPInnova, the bigest exhibition of innovation projects throughout Galicia together with our Greek partners, who were accidentally visiting us (Hi Nikos!!! ;)).

The fact is that we were so successful, that I have been asked again to make a new presentation on the project at another fair.

The new one is:


They are interested about why do we share our work and why we are developing this work under CC licenses. Here it is the slideshow in case someone is interested:

And here it is the video:

Second 3:15 to 3:29


Join us in the III Training about advance ZWave and OpenHAB on May 27th at 16:00h in CIFP Ferrolterra. It is free and open for students, teachers or professionals interested in this topic.

We will post in our wiki the slideshow for those who can not attend ;)

You can download the slideshow if you want here too:

ZAVE PROJECT IN FPINNOVA 2019!!!! (May 2019)

We had the pleasure of exposing the panel of our center and our project at the FP Innova Fair.

La Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional organized FP Innova Galicia 2019, Congress of Innovation in Vocational Training, which took place from May 8 to 10 in the City of Culture of Galicia. This was the fourth edition of an event that constitutes as a reference in the diffusion of didactic and technological innovation, the transfer of knowledge and the ability to undertake in which Galician vocational training is based. And we were there showing to thousand people what we have done. We are really proud of itSonrisa

We would also like to thank all the students who were involved both in the development and programming of the devices and in the exhibition itself before thousands of students who were interested in our home automation project.


ITIS Leonardo DaVinci panels!!!

I love this visual panels with a floor plan of a house with all the devices placed for its usual functions.


Great work done by Greece with the panels!!!!

Here there are the panels done by Second Epal Neas Ionias Volou from Greece. Great work!



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