Halloween takes place every year on October 31st. This year students participated in a “hands-on” Halloween learning experience. They listened to a tale called “Poor Joe”, which tells the story of a man named Joe who leaves his house on Halloween night. During the story, a goblin begins to steal different parts of Joe’s body until he is left with nothing but a beating heart. After each part of the story is read, a box containing the “body part” that Joe has just lost is passed around the classroom. Inside the boxes were spaghetti for brains, carrots for toes, red peppers for ears, and peeled frozen grapes for eyes. When touched without looking these different foods actually feel like the body parts they represent! During this activity students were able to learn new vocabulary words all while having a bit of scary Halloween fun.


This project was planned and led by Dolores García Rodríguez, English teacher, and Kristen Fraley, Language Assistant. 


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