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Irish forestry

Today has been a special day at school: we have celebrated St. Patrick´s Day with Declan Mathews, an Irish teacher, member of honour of our school community. So we all have been Irish for a day, and wore green, a lucky colour. We have learned many facts about Ireland thanks to Declan: he took us for a walk in the forest and we could notice that the Irish forestry is very similar to ours.  Gorses, ferns and shamrocks, along with oak trees, chestnut trees and birch trees decorate their forests and give them the characteristic color green.  At the end, we had to answer 10 questions of a quiz and, as we did it so well, we got the leprechaun´s pot of gold!!! Hurray!!!

Thank you so much, Declan, for your patience, kindness and wisdom!
This is the slideshow of this memorable day: 


II Conferencia Nacional eTwinning "Espacios creativos para la innovación"

Difusión del SNA Encuentro Centros eTwinning (



Despois do primeiro proxecto eTwinning que fixeramos e co que obtivemos o Selo de Calidade Nacional, este ano somos Centro eTwinning / eTwinning School


Voltamos este curso con outro proxecto eTwinning dentro do Plan Proxecta+ da Xunta de Galicia na modalidade "Patrimonio Cultural Europeo en colaboración co programa eTwinning", e facémolo sobre o "MAR" que vemos todos os días.

Esta vez cun centro de Lituania (Naminukas, en Vilna) e outro de Portugal (Agrupamento de Escolas da Zona Urbana de Figueira Da Foz).

II Conferencia Nacional de eTwinning School

II Conferencia Nacional de eTwinning School.



Last Tuesday, the 30th of January, we celebrated the International School Day of Peace and Non-Violence. But do you know what peace is?  What does peace mean to you? Well, peace is about diversity, tolerance, friendship, freedom, inclusion, sharing, support, help, understanding ... Based on them, all the students in year 5 and 6 created our FLOWERS FOR PEACE including some of these powerful words 

We also had the chance to meet Marta, a corageous Ukrainian mother who came to Spain a year ago with her 4 kids, students in our school. She was a Spanish and English teacher in Ukraine, and she shared her knowlegde with us. She talked about the beauty of her country and her experience as a refugee in Coruña. She traced her route to come to Spain in a map, mentioning all the places they lived in before ending in our town. She really appreciates all the support and help she is receiving and she hopes to go back to her country soon.
Thank you for your courage and generosity, Marta!
All the best!!!

PEACE DAY - 30th January 2024 

Bilingual sections: Arts & Crafts

As you know, this school year we are learning Arts & Crafts as a bilingual section. That means that we use English as well as Galician to communicate among us during the lessons. We are developing a project around the seasons, the perfect excuse to observe the changes in nature from an emotional and artistic perspective. Under the title "4 in a year" we are approaching to different artistic languages, styles, techniques, formats and artists. During this first term, we have worked around the autumn or fall, learning about the pointillism with Georges Seurat and Yayoi Kusama. We have also met Giuseppe Arcimboldo and his famous portraits of fruits. Finally, we have counted on the presence of Xulio Gallego, a teacher and local artist who taught us how to use the perspective and the vanishing points in our drawings. Thank you, Xulio, for all your knowledge, patience and commitment. We hope to see you again in the winter!

Now enjoy this presentation. Just click on the image to start, on the volume icon to hear and again to go to the next slide.








Comezamos o curso, e o invernadoiro está a rebosar, tanto de froito coma de herba.

E comezamos a recoller o que atopamos, unha variedade de froitos:






...que probamos no cole ou levamos para casa.

Imos amosar como o degustamos no cole.

A sandía, qué rica que estaba, que chegou a pouco.


Aproveitamos as sementes para voltar poñer máis en primavera.


...que non quedou nadiña!

 Probamos a CABAZA AO FORNO cun anaco de pan.

E fixemos PURÉ DE CABAZA con cebolas, e algunha pataca e cenoria que atopamos agochadas na horta.


Despois de preparar todos os ingredientes...

...e mentres este se vai facendo a modiño, aproveitamos a xogar un pouco na bibliolab con estes xogos tan divertidos.

Cando o puré está feito, voltamos á aula para degustalo tranquilamente.

Gustounos tanto, que queremos repetir outro día.

As sementes quedan gardadas, para poñer máis o vindeiro ano. 

 Tamén imos gardar as sementes doutras plantas que temos, unhas bonitas flores, e así traballamos a psicomotricidade fina con estes dediños que teñen moito que practicar para facer esos bonitos traballos que fan.

Pouco a pouco imos debullando para atopar as sementes pequerrechas que teñen.

Aquí as sementes de rábanos, son un pouquiño máis grandes.

E estas son todas as sementes que xuntamos.

Un botiño moi xeitoso, que sementaremos polo terreo do cole na primavera.

Traballamos os tamaños de sementes, grande o bulbo de xacinto, pequenas de sandía, e pequerrechas das flores.

 Tamén plantamos, nas xardineiras na aula.


Facemos o sementeiro de legumes.



E despois deixamos todo limpiño e ordeado para outro momento.




Today is the day! We are going to the theatre in our school!!! And all this thanks to our parents´ association, that finances this event one more year.

Are you ready for a play full of fun? Well, let´s enjoy a modern version of  Robinson Crusoe: she is a champion surfer who lives in Malibu and is swept away by a tsunami to a desert island!!!

Pay close attention because some of the actors can be familiar...

Face2Face is the theatre company which will perform this funny play. They have been coming to our school for more than 10 years and they always surprise us! You have more information about them HERE.

Very many thanks to our ANPA MILNENOS for giving us the chance to learn English in such a fun way. 

Curtain up! Let the play begin!!!!

THEATRE DAY - "Robinson Crusoe" - 20th December 2023

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by Dr. Radut