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Erasmus Policy Statement

Erasmus Policy Statement (Overall Strategy):

One of the main aims at IES Pintor Colmeiro is to promote the mobility of the vocational students all through the European community. We believe that this experience will help them develop and upgrade both their professional and linguistic capabilities together with their personal growth.

A.The procedure for the selection of the partners will be made through personal contacts, preparatory visits, and with the help of public institutions such us our local government, consortiums and chambers of commerce. The choice of partners has taken into account both the interests of students and the improvement of the language form the country of destination.

We would like to establish an agreement of collaboration with the entities that meet the following requirements:

•Ability to provide theoretical and practical training both for students or staff

•Ability to organize the schedules and the services needed to guarantee a good location and to meet the needs of students and/or staff.

•Available human resources to monitor and support the people in the mobility.

B.The eligible candidates will be from the EU to fulfil one of the aims of the Erasmus Charter, support the strengthening of and European site of education and training.

On previous mobilities our high vocational students have been to Malta and France for periods of three months. They have learnt about the methods of work of some of the companies of these countries.

We would like to work with Portugal, only a hundred kilometres from our hometown following European guidelines for the promotion of territorial cooperation policies and cross-border collaboration.

Recent experiences have been very positive for the students, mainly at Malta. For this reason we will try to work on this cooperation and include our staff in the mobility. Just at present there are some students who remain working at the firms where they were as trainees.

C.The main aims to get:

•Provide quality training and increase competitiveness within the European labour market, increasing the chances of specialization mainly for students and faculty.

•Enable the socio-cultural and linguistic exchange and the strengthening of relationships among the EU member countries.

•Improve the employ-ability and social cohesion, supporting lifelong learning promoting linguistic and intercultural skills.

•Encourage innovation and development and promote the use of ICT. The development of mobility initiatives is not only beneficial for those who are shifted but also for the whole educational community involved in the process, because we have to adapt to new methodologies and support cooperative work in ICT.

•Integrate the students in a sociocultural environment, providing accommodation, either at residence halls, families or shared flats, so that the students could improve their knowledge of the language, know their culture and uses and join their daily life.

•Promote equal opportunities in the selection of the students.The target groups for the mobility are both intermediate and high vocational students and staff. The selection criteria will be respectful in terms of equality

a.The students. They will participate in the mobility intend to complement their studies and /or the training at the working place. This practical training is compulsory to get the degree.

b.Staff (management and teachers). They will be able to join mobility programmes that expand and develop their professional competences.


IES Pintor Colmeiro has held meetings and organised the information in several certified documents such as the annual curriculum of the school and so create a team to fulfil these projects within the planning of the school organization. The goals of this coordination are:

•To achieve cooperation and join the efforts of the whole community through arranging tasks, encouraging communication, internal and external cooperation between participating partners, and the fostering of cooperation between the main school departments.

•To keep the whole community informed of everything related to the projects within the Erasmus Programme through the website and our blog, the weekly newsletter, as well as posters and media.

•This collaborative effort will organize the projects to be carried out within the programme such as membership development, innovative and specified training, placement, documents, travel and accommodation.

•Assessment and accreditation of everything related to this program: use of documents such as certifications.

•To share the experience of participants by means of different media such as videos, Employment Counselling and Training, Workplace Training) in the organizational structure of the programme to promote and collaborate on the execution of the project. meetings and conferences to serve as community enrichment.

We have also included other departments of our high school (Foreign Languages, Employment Counselling and Training, Workplace Training) in the organizational structure of the programme to promote and collaborate on the execution of the project.

Our students and professionals in general, are going to work in an increasingly internationalized world. Due to this,language skills, cultural knowledge and keeping up with new professional technologies will be valued characteristics of employees.

At IES Pintor Colmeiro, we believe that participating in different projects through the Erasmus Charter would mean advancement for our high school in the following areas:

1.Increase the number of students in vocational studies at our schoolTo participate in these programs with the goal of completion, we trust in the students who are motivated to enrol, achieve and complete their studies. Within the EU, this will promote an increase in qualified professionals in fields that are especially in demand such as business management and marketing.

2.Improve the quality and importance of higher education

As an institution we work to exchange and share information between countries with high levels of education adapted to the real necessities of the EU to make us a better prepared and qualified society. We participate in these types of programmes to share the work we do in our courses with the educational community, and to exchange information that will allow us to adapt to the actual needs of our students in the world of labour. This will promote higher education in our society.

3.Reinforce quality through mobility and cooperation between countries.

With these programmes, our school will benefit by employing new educational and professional teaching methods. It will improve foreign language knowledge and develop TIC use. As a result, we will be in contact with schools in other countries through exchange programmes and virtual platforms.

4.Connect and bring together education, research and companies

We believe that it is important to establish a line of communication that allows us to bring together higher education and the actual needs of a company by participating in internships, increasing technological advances through company or educational research, and promoting motivation, research and innovation.

5.Improve management and financing

Our institution is in the continual process of improving and adapting to real-life situations, as well as promoting projects and cooperative programmes that make better our productive activity for us and for the needs of European society.


story | by Dr. Radut