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How´s the weather?

How´s the weather? The sun comes up!

The days of the week!


How´s the weather?


Os vosos pequenos preguntan como anda o tempo!

This is England

Coming soon!

Easter Eggs


Do you want to play this colourful easter egg game again? Click here.



Knock, knock, trick or treat?

Halloween is a really scary party! With monsters, ghosts, witches and pumpkins! This year, we learnt this special song. Enjoy it!

Spring is here!


Here you are some spring drawings, with flowers, bees, birds, butterflies...

Aquí tendes algúns debuxos da primavera, con flores, abellas, paxaros, bolboretas...

[swf file="/srv/hosting/home/eeianxeles/drupal/files/springishere.flv"]

Merry Christmas!

We read the Gingerbread Man story in class, and after that we created our own gingerbread people in plasticine and decorated them.

Lemos a historia do Homiño de Mazapán na clase e logo fixemos os nosos propios homiños de plastilina e decorámolos.

 We also recorded this song for you.  


      Merry Christmas and a Happy 2011! 

Blog de recursos

Se facedes click sobre a imaxe  poderedes acceder a un blog de recursos no que os nenos e nenas poden atopar multitude de materiais en lingua estranxeira: contos interactivos, cancións, xogos...

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by Dr. Radut