Proxecto KA2: CETMAR


Reportaxe do noso centro na Voz de Galicia sobre os estudos da Familia de Fabricación Mecánica

Non podemos estar mais orgullosos dos nosos profesores, alumnos. Magnífica reportaxe do noso centro na Voz de Galicia sobre os estudos da Familia de Fabricación Mecánica.

Freeboard at Business2Sea Forum

El pasado 17 de Noviembre tuvimos el placer de presentar nuestro proyecto Freeboard en el Foro Business2Sea que se celebró en Vigo.

El taller en el que intervinimos estaba relacionado con las profesiones y competencias profesionales relacionadas con la economía marina.

Minuto 2:50 a 3:00

#FPGalicia; #CIFPFerrolterra; #MATES; #B2Sea2021

Freeboard is already painted !!

Nuestro departamento de Fabricación Mecánica ha trabajado muchísimo para finalizar esta fase del proyecto a tiempo. Felicidades equipazo!

Documentary of the MATES project

We had a visit yesterday of a film production company for a documentary of the MATES project in which we are building the Freeboard pilot. 
The Freeboard Project aims to provide a naval  work environment to performance a hands-on learning methodology for students of Medium Grade in Welding and Superior Grade of Metallic Construction, Superior Grade in Machining Manufacture Design and Medium Grade in Machining 
To achieve this purpose, the project involves the building of a huge real-scale part of a ship. This structure can be equipped with  pipes, valves , electric components ( lighting and power circuits) and all kind of required services so as to fit out a ship. Boats are generally built using block assembly process. Each block or independent structure  has a different aim to each other (cabins, kitchens, engine rooms...).Once they are made, they will be joint in order to create the full boat. Pipes, wires ,etc… are connected at the same time than blocks are.
This shipbuilding process is the most usual work method in naval companies in our region. Our main purpose is to simulate work conditions so that students face real work environment , such as shipyards, where some of them are likely to work in a future
The project will benefit students in following aspects:Enhancing  some abilities and skills  such as creativity and innovative ideas, decision taking , teamwork and leadership (since few departments are involved  and will have to work together) etc , Health and safe conditions will be emulated : work at  heights, fall arrest system, address with handling loads ,etc.., Multi-disciplinary  work ( other departments will be involved in order to  develop the hole  structure…)

More informatio abour the project:




Con el Roll up del piloto que vamos a construir para el proyecto MATES en Vigo!!

Vigo, Spain, 23-24 October 2018
Blue Economy in the EU Atlantic area: Supporting sustainable jobs, competitive skills and career

Con el roll up del piloto que vamos a construir en nuestro centro para el proyecto MATES