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Gamificación: Axudamos a SuperMario! Gamification: We help SuperMario!


   Aquí podemos ver como algúns alumnos/as de 4º, 5º e 6º axudan a SuperMario na misión de rescatar a Luigi e a Princesa que foron secuestrados por Bowser.



   Os alumnos e alumnas atoparon diferentes notas e acertixos que tiveron que resolver para conseguir chaves ou códigos que fosen abrindo os diferentes cofres ata finalmente dar co código secreto que liberase aos personaxes secuestrados.




   Mediante unha sesión de gamificación traballamos comprensión lectora, cálculo, resolución de problemas, lóxica, atención e traballo en equipo!!!


Here we see how some 4th, 5th and 6th graders help SuperMario in the mission to rescue Luigi and the Princess who were kidnapped by Bowser.


The students found different notes and riddles that they had to solve to get keys or codes that opened the different chests until finally finding the secret code that would free the kidnapped characters.




Through a gamification session we work on reading comprehension, calculation, problem solving, logic, attention and teamwork!!!



page | by Dr. Radut