American Breakfast: 5th Grade

American Breakfast: 5th Grade



Juicy bacon sizzling on the stove, scrambled eggs, freshly squeezed orange juice, Choco crunch cereals, buttered toast- all staples of the traditional all-american breakfast. And all present at Abanqueiro school on a unique  Thursday morning in January. As part of their unit on foods and nutrition in Teacher Fran´s English class, the 5th grade class joined together to cook an American breakfast to enhance their learning of the foods in English, and also to experience a typical meal from an English-speaking country. All cooking and eating took place in the lunch room at Abanqueiro.

Calendario 2012 do Colexio de Abanqueiro.

Calendario escolar realizado polo Equipo de Normalización no curso 2011-2012. A temática traballada foron festexos, costumes e temas relacionados cos meses ou estacións do ano.

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