881 938200

Correo electrónico

Rúa do Cristo s/n

  15620 Mugardos (A Coruña)






Linguas estranxeiras

Comezo do programa CUALE (Mércores, 7 de outubro)


DATA DE COMEZO: Mércores, 7 de outubro de 2015

HORA: 16:00-18:30

             (Non se impartirá este curso o A1 nin o B2)

Condicións e alumnado seleccionado e en lista de espera
no documento adxunto.



Masterchef de vitaminas

Antes de rematar o curso, o alumnado de 2.º ESO coa súa titora Gabriela Sáchez organizaron o primeiro Masterchef do instituto. Por equipos foron elaborando as súas receitas, previamente redactadas e traballadas nas clases de inglés, e realizando unha pequena exposición e degustación do produto final.

O ingrediente principal foron as froitas e o bo humor. O próximo curso, máis vitaminas!!!


 Imaxes na galería


Tarxetas de Nadal de 1.°ESO

"To Galicia With Love" by Shawna Berk

Este é o fermoso texto de despedida que nos deixou Shawna logo de sete meses como auxiliar de convesa entre nós. 

To Galicia With Love

Grazas, Shawna, polo teu traballo e todos os sorrisos.

SHAWNA BERK (Curso 2013-2014)



Ver tamén:


To Galicia With Love

When my friend Carly suggested we apply for a teaching post in Galicia, I have to admit I had no idea where Galicia was located on a map. Carly had heard that Galicia was a region with nice people, good food, located close to coast, and it rained a little. So we both applied and received posts in Galicia, her post in Tui and mine in Mugardos.

I´m a city girl. My hometown is Long Beach, California and it has a population of 460,000 people. So I was a little apprehensive about moving halfway around the world to work in a village of 6,000 inhabitants (there are high schools in Long Beach with that many students!). I was also worried that people in Galicia spoke another language, Galician, and that I would have no idea what people were saying to me (I could barely understand or speak Spanish).  But I packed my bags and left sunny California.

Over the past eight months I have fallen in love with Galicia and I am sad I have to leave. I’ve had the opportunity to see lots of cities and towns in Spain, but I’m always happy to come home to Galicia. I think the witches of Galicia must have cast a powerful spell on me because I prefer rainy Galicia to the sunny southern Spain. What I love most about Galicia are the legends surrounding this magical “island”- the pilgrimage to Santiago, the souls of San Andres de Teixido, and the Santa Compaña (to name a few). I’ve also come to admire the Romanesque and Gothic churches that paint the green countryside. Before I came here I couldn’t tell you any architectural styles and now I’m fascinated by architecture (new and old). And the food- don’t get me started. I have never in life eaten such fresh seafood and I live by the ocean! Octopus, pimientos de padrone, empanada, pan de pias, calamari, percebes… I’m going to miss eating these foods so much.

I feel incredibly blessed to have had this opportunity to live abroad. It was not the experience I expected to have but it was the experience I needed. I will always consider myself an honorary Galician.

2013-2014 Assistant convers

Entrevista coa Shawna, auxiliar de conversa

                                                                                                             Subtítulos en inglés.

Despedida de Gwen

Welcome, Gwendolyn

A sección bilingüe de 2º ESO, na clase de Educación Física,
dálle unha agarimosa benvida á lectora de inglés, Gwendolyn.

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