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Erin's presentations!

Our auxiliar, Erin, made different presentations in this first term: about herself, and another one, about Halloween! Due to her Mexican roots, she explained the bond between Samhain and Halloween in Galicia, Mexico and the USA. Later on, our kids visited the computer room to play some online games created by the teacher! Moreover, we decorated the door and walls with spooky motifs!



As every year, last Friday we celebrated " o magosto" with the rest of students. But, first, we had to prepare our baskets. In this occasion we reused a brick of milk and remains of aironfix. And... this was the result


Students of 3rd and 4th level prepared some works to decorate the school hall. In 3rd level we made pumpkins with corks and paint and in 4th level we made the game of "Three in a row" with terrorific pictures and pumpkins with plasticine. Here are the results...




   Our new English language assistant is coming! Her name is Erin and she is from Los Angeles, California. Children of our school have been preparing some flags and pictures for her. WELCOME ERIN TO CEIP O CANTEL!

by Dr. Radut