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On that wonderful day, we enjoyed the reading of Pete the Cat and The Perfect Pizza Party, together with Pete the Cat himself! He was there, watching us as we read through the pages of this groovy story. Students from kindergarten to grade 6 made an enormous pizza, following Pete´s friends´ puzzling topping preferences. 





Here you have our two last radio shows by grade 5 and 6 students. 


Gala, Erea, Lola, Lucas, Lois and Iván interpreted a fun play called What Day Is It Today?. Ready to have some laughs? Click on the pic below! 



The most recent show was played by Enzo, Adán, Marwan, Xavi, Airam and Ángel. They did a great job adding voice to Mr Brown and other mysterious characters of The Ghost Teacher. Ready to listen? 




Have you read our previous post? What is it about? Interesting, right? Do you want to know more about it? I bet you do. 

Look at the picture below. You might know some of our grade 5 students: Erea, Rubén, Érika, Daniela, and Gael. They had a very nice interview with our language assistant, Tatumn, who shared some interesting details of her life with all of us on our first radio programme of the school year. 

Click and enjoy! 






Dear families,


As you know, two years ago our school joined the Bilingual Sections Programme through which our grade 1 and 2 students are learning Arts in English. To help us with this task, the Consellería has provided our school with a very special guest. She will be at CEIP Mestre Valverde Mayo on Wednesdays and Fridays and the Primary classes will have the opportunity to work on their speaking skills with her once a week.


So we are very pleased to introduce you to our newest staff member. Do you want to know a little bit more about her? Click on the video below! 






Here you have our radio programme number 3! But what is it about? Read and try to guess:

A green hat






Do you know the answer? Listen and check it out! 

(Click on the picture below)


Aquí tedes o noso programa de radio número 3! Pero sobre que trata? Le e intenta adiviñar:

Sombreiro verde






Sabedes a resposta? Escoitade e compróbadeo!

(Fai clic na imaxe)





Saint Patrick´s Day Infant Education

On March 17 we celebrated St. Patrick's Day at school, and if we didn't wear something green, they would pinch us.

Many are the traditions of this celebration originally from Ireland, but it is also celebrated in countries such as Australia, Canada, United States of America and even Spain.

At school, they played to put the gold coins in the pot,  made a competition to paint the rainbow and moved their bodies to the sound of St. Patrick's Day music. Children and teachers had a great time.

See you next Saint Patricks.

O 17 de marzo celebrabamos no cole o Día de San Patricio, no que se non levabamos algo verde, viríannos a pellizcar.

Moitas son as tradicións deste celebración orixinaria de Irlanda, pero que se celebra tamén en países como Australia, Canadá, Estados Unidos de América e mesmo España.

No cole,xogaron a meter as moedas de ouro na pota cos ollos pechados, fixeron unha competición para pintar o arco da vella e moveron o corpo ao son de música infantil  de San Patricio. Nenos e mestres pasámolo en grande.

Ata o próximo Saint Patricks.

Saint Patrick´s Day

On March 17th, we celebrated St. Patrick's Day at school, and if we didn't wear something green, they would pinch us.

Many are the traditions of this celebration originally from Ireland, but which is also celebrated in countries such as Australia, Canada, the United States of America and even Spain.

At school, they played to put the gold coins in the pot with their eyes closed, we did a search for leprechauns and they were able to take some coins from the homemade pot. Children and teachers had a great time.

See you next Saint Patricks!


O 17 de marzo celebrabamos no cole o Día de San Patricio, no que se non levabamos algo verde, viríannos a pellizcar.

Moitas son as tradicións deste celebración orixinaria de Irlanda, pero que se festexa tamén en países como Australia, Canadá, Estados Unidos de América e mesmo España.

No cole,xogaron a meter as moedas de ouro na pota cos ollos pechados, fixemos unha búsqeda de leprechauns e  puideron coller da pota caseira , algunha que outra moeda. Nenos e mestres pasámolo en grande.

Ata o próximo Saint Patricks!



Acabas de facer clic no link do blog de inglés e chegaches aquí, a este post. Estás conectado a unha wifi? Probablemente si. E que dispositivo estás a empregar? Un ordenador, un smartphone ou unha tablet? Sexa cal sexa, estás lendo estas liñas e de seguro te percataches das palabras destacadas en negriña. Vólveas ler e pensa. En que idioma están?  Efectivamente!  En inglés. 


Todos os días oímos e vemos palabras nesta lingua. Empregámolas cada vez máis: comemos sandwich, botamos ketchup na hamburguesa, vemos fútbol ou nos facemos followers dun influencer. E miraches ao teu redor? Hai palabras en inglés por todas partes! En escaparates, en rótulos, en sinais, fóra e dentro das tendas… EVERYWHERE! 


As teachers vémolas todos os días. Cando saímos á rúa, andamos á caza de palabras ou frases nesta lingua. Aquí nos podes ver en acción: 


E ti? Tamén atopas inglés por todas partes? Si? Pois propoñémoste que compartas con todos os teus compañeiros e compañeiras as palabras ou frases que ves cando saes da casa. Como? Segue lendo:




Abre ben os ollos cando saias da casa e anímate a participar! Estamos desexando ver a túa aportación! 


Welcome to our last radio programme so far, this time hosted by the grade 4 students. It was their first radio programme in English! It´s said that their teacher is really proud of them. Sure she is! No wonder! 

Benvidos/as ao noso último programa de radio ata o momento, esta vez presentado polos estudantes de cuarto curso. Foi o seu primeiro programa de radio en inglés! Dise que a súa profe está moi orgullosa deles. Seguro que si! Non é de extrañar! 


So this time the boys and girls spoke about a topic we want to raise awareness about: endangered animals. Click on the picture below and listen carefully. 

Así que desta volta os nenos e nenas falaron dun tema sobre o que queremos espertar conciencia: os animais en perigo de extinción. Clica na imaxe de abaixo e escoita con atención. 



You go online and you google the best restaurants in your city. You read the reviews and you make your choice. You are excited! Eating out is always a nice experience, or maybe not. It will be a memorable day, rather for the delicious menu or for being an unpleasant situation. Oh, lord! 

Do you want to know more about this story? Listen to it! 


Conéctaste a internet e buscas en Google os mellores restaurantes da túa cidade. Les as opinións e fas a túa elección. Estás emocionado/a! Comer fóra é sempre unha experiencia agradabe ou, se cadra, non. Será unha xornada memorable, ben polo delicioso menú ou por ser unha situación desagradable. Oh, señor! 

Queredes saber máis sobre esta historia? Escoitádea!




And here you have the making of the play The Best Restaurant. We had lots of fun performing it in our classroom. We hope you enjoy the video! 

E aquí tedes cómo se fixo a obra "The Best Restaurant". Divertímonos moito interpretándoa na clase. Esperamos que vos guste o vídeo! 


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by Dr. Radut