American Day

American Day was a day filled with food, fun and learning. The entire school came together to celebrate the culture of the United States. The children rotated between 5 different games; Relay Races, Sharks and Minows, Tug of War/ Sack Race, Musical Chairs and Baseball. At each game there were 5th and 6th grade students who acted as monitors. These students explained the rules in English and helped the other kids enjoy the activity. At the break the 6th grade students performed a dance to the English song “Celebrate” by Mikka. After this, hotdogs were served for everyone. We were lucky enough to have 3 Americans who were able to come help and celebrate with our school. Everyone had a wonferful time from the smallest students all the way to the teachers. Here are some pictures and videos to show what a success the the day was and hopefully something that can be celebrated for many years to come.