American Breakfast: 5th Grade

American Breakfast: 5th Grade



Juicy bacon sizzling on the stove, scrambled eggs, freshly squeezed orange juice, Choco crunch cereals, buttered toast- all staples of the traditional all-american breakfast. And all present at Abanqueiro school on a unique  Thursday morning in January. As part of their unit on foods and nutrition in Teacher Fran´s English class, the 5th grade class joined together to cook an American breakfast to enhance their learning of the foods in English, and also to experience a typical meal from an English-speaking country. All cooking and eating took place in the lunch room at Abanqueiro.

Sarai, Uxia and Marina manned the toast station. While Uxia meticulously sliced kiwis, Sarai and Marina made sure that the bread was toasted to perfection, giving their classmates the option of buttering their own toast.


Hermes, Jonathan, Brais and Iker were in charge of whipping the eggs thoroughly, which they then handed off to Teacher Fran to make scrambled eggs on a gas stove. She also cooked the bacon on the stove.

Teacher Begoña led Lucas, Nerea and Alvaro in squeezing the oranges to make fresh orange juice. Yum!


Once everyone was comfortably seated at the table with a full plate of food, they dug in. When asked whether they enjoyed the American breakfast, all students nodded contentedly, mouths full of eggs, bacon, and toast. Looks like the American breakfast was a success in more ways than one at Abanqueiro!


Now that you have read our text and seen our photos, look at the attachments. We have included a Roger Hodgson's video of his song Breakfast in America and its lyrics. Hodgson is the voice and co-founder of Supertramp, a band whose heyday was in the seventies and early eighties. Check it out!

Breakfast in America.doc24.5 KB