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  Hello children and families!!

Here you can see all your Easter works. I hope you like the slideshow!!

Thank you very much. Hugs and kisses!

Ola nenos, nenas e familias!

Aquí podedes ver todos os traballos de Easter. Espero que vos guste a presentación.

Moitas gracias. Abrazos e bicos!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow


Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

Hello again! How are you after the Easter break? 

Today I show you the smilebox with all the rainbows received in the English mail, I hope you like it!

Thank you very much for your works, you're amazing artists!!


Ola de novo! Que tal estades despois do descanso?

Hoxe ensínovos o smilebox con todos os arcos da vella recibidos no correo de Inglés, espero que vos guste!

Moitas grazas polos vosos traballos, sodes uns artistas xeniais! 



Hello everybody!!

Here you have some more resources about story telling:

- OXFORD STORY TIME (lots of different stories to have a good time)


- and tomorrow we have a new story at :




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by Dr. Radut