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Espazo Agueiro de difusión da experiencia PIALE

Comparto con toda a comunidade educativa o portfolio que creei en Agueiro como seguimento da experiencia PIALE en Canadá durante o mes de decembro de 2022. Para entrar, fai click na imaxe:

Iria's experience in Canada (Piale 2022)

Hello hello!

This November I've been in Canada, as you all know. You asked me a lot of questions about Canada, so here we go! Let's talk about them:

Groundhog day 2023

Did you know that in northern USA and Canada people celebrate the groundhog day? Lets see:

Here you have a video explaining a little bit more:


And this is the prediction about how much this winter is going to last! Another 6 weeks? Ouch!

Hat day: 15th of January

Trae o teu sombreiro, gorra, gorro... FAVORITO o luns 15 de xaneiro. Queres saber por que? Aquí está!

English activity in the holidays: find animals in your house!

Google has got a surprise: if you search an animal with a phone or tablet, you can see information about the animal, and YOU CAN SEE IT IN 3D on your house's floor!!!

I tell you how to do it:

1) Search on Google the name of an animal. Do you remember the animals names? click here!

2) Click on "view on 3D"


3) Move around it! next to it, above it, below it... and listen to the sound it makes!

4) Print the Nature journal, fold it and write about the animals you see

To fold the Nature journal, follow this instructions (click here)



Eli's daily routine!

Elizabeth is fine at her home in Spain. Do you want to know what she does every day? Watch the video!


She proposes us to do a worksheet about daily routines. Are you ready? Find it below, download it and complete it!

Easter activity: Egg hunt!

Today, I propose you a game! You need your parent's help

1) Watch these videos about an egg hunt:


2) Prepare your own egg hunt! Print or copy the eggs you have in the worksheet below. Colour and cut them. 

3) Ask an adult to hide them

4) Find all the eggs!

5) Read the Easter bunny poem

Have a nice day!


Happy April Fools! - April Fool's school

This year, we dont have doughnuts to plant, haha. But I can show you some ideas to do to your family! Are you ready?

Here you have some ideas to prank your family!!


Toilet Paper Message

Unroll the toilet paper and leave a funny message for the unsuspecting user. My personal favorite: “You’re going to wash your hands, right?” 

Roll the toilet paper back up and wait to see who ends up getting the message.

Toothpaste oreo cookies

Open up some Oreos, scrape out the cream with a knife, place a little of WHITE toothpaste in the center and squeeze the 2 cookies back together.  (They look exactly the same.)  Place them back in the Oreo box and wait to see who eats them! 

Jello juice

Make Jello like normal, but pour into clear glasses.  Insert the straw and then let it set up in the fridge like normal. Then, serve it to your family like "normal juice"

Sponge cake

Dress up a couple of sponges with chocolate and sprinkles to trick your family into thinking you’ve made a sweet cake.

Toilet seat surprise

Find a funny, scary or silly picture that can be taped underneath the toilet seat for a hilarious surprise. Be sure to put the top lid down to really surprise them!

Big kid undies

Replace your dad’s or mum's underwear with a drawer full of your own.


Stuff the inside of your family’ shoes with toilet paper. They will wonder how their feet got so big!

Surprise shoes

Stuff their shoes with beads, cotton balls, pebbles, or anything else!

Have a great April Fools Day!

New Pop Art activities: Augmented reality!

Good morning!

This week we propose you some funny activities:

---Augmented reality with Quiver vision! ---

Make a drawing of onomatopoeia in the Quiver worksheet. Download the Quiver vision app on a tablet or mobile phone and look your drawing with the device: the drawing pops out!

Do you know what an onomatopoeia is? Click here!

---Roll dice game. ---

Print the game, follow the instructions and you will draw an incredible city!

Instructions of the game:

1) Draw on a paper the buildings.

2) Print or have on a screen the roll dice game boardgame

3) Throw the dice. The first three times draw the faces that coincide with the number of the dice. Then, continue with the rest of the columns.

4) Enjoy!

English activities: I am Eggstraordinary!

Good Morning!

Here you have:

1) the answers of last week's activities.

2) An activity: I am Eggstraordinary! These are the steps:

  1. Fill the worksheet
  2. Read the guide for colouring
  3. Colour your own egg and enjoy!

Take care!


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