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Hi, children!!! Ola, rapaces!!!

Holidays are very near! As vacacións están moi preto!

In Cangas we are very fortunate: we have beautiful beaches and mountains close to the sea. 

En Cangas somos moi afortunados: temos praias preciosas e montañas preto do mar.

What do you prefer, going to the beach or to the mountain?

Qué preferides, ir á praia ou á montaña?

You can watch these videos about those places.

Podedes ver estes vídeos sobre eses lugares.

If you want, you can send me a photo with your family in a beach or in a mountain you like.

Se queredes, podedes enviarme unha foto coa vosa familia nunha braia ou nunha montaña que vos guste.

Have fun! Pasádeo ben!

blog | by Dr. Radut