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Good morning, kids! Bos días, rapaces!

Holidays are close!!! As vacacións están preto!!!

Let's learn about holidays today. Just start clicking on "Unit 6 He's wearing", a song.

Aprendamos hoxe sobre as vacacións. Empezade premendo na canción "Unit 6 He's wearing".

Then you can learn some words with this video. A continuación podemos aprender as palabras con este vídeo.

Next, just complete the worksheets. O seguinte, tan so completade as fichas.

What's your favourite beach? Cal é a túa praia favorita?

If you want, take a photo in your favourite beach and send it to me.

Se queredes, sacade unha foto na túa praia favorita e enviádema.

Take care! Coidádevos!

I'm on holiday!.pdf393.76 KB

blog | by Dr. Radut