
Pregunta de Elección Múltiple

As dúas primeiras letras do alfabeto grego son:

o alfa e o omega

o alfa e o beta

o beta e o omega

Segundo a sistematización de Petrus Ramus, que par estaría correcto?




O ampersand é un signo taquigráfico que representa:

a conxunción adversativa tamen.

a conxunción disxuntiva ou.

a conxunción copulativa et.

O signo de interrogación?

ten orixe grega

ten orixe latina

é un signo tironiano que representa a palabra latina quaestio

O símbolo do dólar provén dunha moeda romana, cal?

o as

o sestercio

o óbolo

Canto valía un sestercio?

un as e medio

dous ases

dous ases e medio

Que significa a expresión O Alfa e o Omega?

que unha persoa é moi completa no traballo

que unha persoa existe dende sempre e sempre existirá

era o alfabeto que os nenos gregos aprendían na escola

O libro co que se aprende o alfabeto chámase:

libro de primeiras lecturas



Que símbolo utilizamos con frecuencia en contextos económicos?




Rellenar huecos

Le o párrafo que aparece abaixo e completa as palabras que faltan:

O é un signo que se empregaba para representar a conxunción

latina . Colocábase ao final do e dicíase: "and and".


The is a sign, used to represent in shorthand the Latin conjunction et “ ”.

The word  is a corruption of the phrase “and per se and” because the “&” sign tended to add at the end of the English .



Actividad de lectura

What Character Was Removed from the Alphabet?

Johnson & Johnson, Barnes & Noble, Dolce & Gabbana: the ampersand today is used primarily in business names but that small character was once the 27th part of the alphabet.

Where did it come from though? The origin of its name is almost as bizarre as the name itself. The shape of the character (&) predates the word ampersand by more than 1,500 years. In the first century, Roman scribes wrote in cursive, so when they wrote the Latin word et which means “and” they linked the e and t. Over time the combined letters came to signify the word “and” in English as well. Certain versions of the ampersand, like that in the font Caslon, clearly reveal the origin of the shape.

The word “ampersand” came many years later when “&” was actually part of the English alphabet. In the early 1800s, school children reciting their ABCs concluded the alphabet with the &. It would have been confusing to say “X, Y, Z, and.” Rather, the students said, “and per se and.” “Per se” means “by itself,” so the students were essentially saying, “X, Y, Z, and by itself and.”

Over time, “and per se and” was slurred together into the word we use today: ampersand. When a word comes about from a mistaken pronunciation, it’s called amondegreen. Find out why here Posted by: blog. 


 Typographical ampersand.



After reading the text, try to answer these questions:

  1. What does it want to say that this character was taken out of the alphabet?
  2. Can you explain the origin of the shape of this character?
  3. Where did the word "ampersand" come from?
  4. Using the link collected in the last line of the text, find out what wants to say "amondegreen"?