

1True or false:

a)      During the Second Samnite War the Roman army was defeated by Greeks.______

b)      Sybaris was an ancient city known for its exceptional wealth.______

c)      Passing the Rubicon was considered an act of war against Tiberius.______

d)      Alcibiades cut his dog tail off in order to save its life.______

e)      Pompeia was under suspicion.______

f)       Alexander the Great said: “my father leaves me nothing to conquer”.______


2. Define the following expressions and make a short sentence:

the Caudine Forks             the dog of Alcibiades

cross the Rubicon             Diogenes syndrome

rest on one´s laurels         squaring the circle


3. Choose the correct answer?

     The bachelor´s degree comes from:

a)      Baccae lauriatus (“crowned with laurel berries”)

b)      Lauriatus Baccae.

c)      Laurealis Bacce.

    The idiom rest on one´s laurels means:

a)      Take it easy.

b)      Lack of concern.

c)      A great effort.

     The ostracism was:

a)      A great military honor.

b)      Go on holidays.

c)      Be expelled.

    The origin of travail is linked to:

a)      Torture device.

b)      A great effort.

c)      Stop working.

    The etymology of cynical is the same as:

a)      Doglike.

b)      Canine.

c)      Doggy.

     The etymological meaning of cynical is referred to:

a)      Natural life.

b)      Be skeptic.

c)      Sleep all day.

     We can use the expression the pretorian guard as a synonym of:

a)      Bodyguard.

b)      Emperor.

c)      Hut.

    The word candidate has its origin in:

a)      The colour of the hat used during the election campaign by who was intended to be chosen in ancient Rome.

b)      In the colour of shoes used by the emperor.

c)      The colour of the robe used during the election campaign by who was intended to be chosen in ancient Rome.


4. Complete with the correct answer related to this images:


    •  Title:
    • Author:
    • What words are associated with this picture?




    • Which was the use of this object in ancient Greece?
    • Do you think it´s a legal procedure?
    • Is there something similar today?
















    • Who is the main character depicted in this image?
    • What word has its origin in this story?



















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  • Who was this historical character:
  • What was his famous friend:
  • The title of this picture: