
Pregunta de Elección Múltiple

A expresión disparo de parto significa...

xesto hostil realizado por alguén que se marcha

terrible enfrontamento 

ameaza constante

Con que episodio histórico relacionarías a expresión delicias de Capua?

o intento do xeneral cartaxinés Aníbal de conquistar Roma

o banquete de vodas de Tetis e Peleo

as guerras pírricas

Unha discusión bizantina era unha...

ardua e vehemente disputa de carácter relixioso

discusións producidas durante a época de Constantino

discusións producidas no Imperio Romano Oriental

Unha retirada aventina é unha....

protesta ante un abuso do poder gubernamental

a derrota dos plebeos

unha cerimonia relixiosa na colina aventina

O nó gordiano alude a un problema complicado resolto dun xeito...

reflexivo e analítico

tallante e sen complicacións


Que fixo Alexandre Magno co nó gordiano?




Pasar polas forcas caudinas significa....

aceptar a derrota

verse obrigado a sopotar condicións humillantes

soportar un sufrimento indecible

Que o exército de César cruzase o pequeno río coñecido como Rubicón foi considerado un acto de guerra contra...


Marco Antonio


 A palabra maratón fai referencia ao mensaxeiro grego Filípides que percorreu os 42.195 m que separaban...

Maratón de Atenas

Atenas de Maratón

Maratón de Corinto

Pasar o Rubicón significa....

deixar atrás o peor dunha situación

tomar unha decisión irrevocable e crucial

pasar unha proba importante

Pregunta Verdadero-Falso

Choose the true answer:

 The parthian shot  alludes to the military practice of Parthian archers who shot their arrows backwards while retreating.

Verdadero Falso

An important battle where the parthian shot was used was the battle of the Carrhae.

Verdadero Falso

When people think too much of ease, and not enough of duty, they are said to be languishing in the delights of Capua.

Verdadero Falso

Aventine secession finished with the defeat of plebeians.

Verdadero Falso

Byzantine argument is an argument or something highly complicated.

Verdadero Falso

Pass under the Caudine Forks comes from the name of a narrow mountain (Caudine Forks) where during the First Samnite War the Roman army was defeated and forced to pass under a “yoke” of the Samnites.

Verdadero Falso

Pheidippides was a Greek messenger who ran the 26 miles and 385 yards to Athens from the battlefield of Marathon to announce that the Samnites had been defeated by Greeks.

Verdadero Falso

The legend of the Gordian Knot comes from the King Gordius of Phrygia, who offered to Zeus his cart, tying the spear and the yoke with a knot so complicated that nobody could release it.

Verdadero Falso

The city of Capua offered to the Carthaginians so much suffering that they languished their forces.

Verdadero Falso

Parthian shot was a principal factor in the Parthian victory over the Roman general Croesus.

Verdadero Falso
Rellenar huecos

Read the following paragraphs and fill the gaps with the correct word:

Hannibal, in his attempt to conquer , came to Capua , where he wished to spend the winter, and gave his men a chance to recover after their long and exhausted journey. The city offered to the numerous pleasures that languished their forces .


The expression Aventine it has its origin in one of the conflicts between patricians and plebeians, in 494 BC, in which the plebeians went to the hill and threatened  with founding a new city . This threat meant that the patricians gave in to the protests of the .


There´s a legend about the King of Phrygia considered the origin of the expression Knot. In this legend, it is said that this King offered to his cart , tying the spear and the yoke with a knot so complicated that nobody could release it. When Alexander the took Phrygia, knew that an old tradition said that who unleashed this was to become the lordof the world.


The Secession of the People to the Mons Sacer, engraved by B. Barloccini, 1849.


Réponds aux questions suivantes:

  1. Est-ce que tu peux relier cette image avec un mot de cette unité didactique?
  2. À quelle guerre appartient cette bataille?
  3. Pourquoi est il fatigué le protagoniste de cet tableau?
  4. Prête attention à la multitude representée sur le fond du tableau et explique quelle est sa réaction à l´arrivée du messager.
  5. Cherche qui est l´auteur du tableau.