
Actividad de lectura

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

Modern historians have pointed out that two years would not be enough time to decorate and build such an extravagant building. Therefore, it is believed that construction was begun by Mausolus before his death or continued by the next leaders. The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus resembled a temple and the only way to tell the difference was its slightly higher outer walls. The Mausoleum was in the Greek-dominate area of Halicarnassus, which in 353 was controlled by the Persian Empire. According to the Roman architect Vitruvius, it was built by Satyros and Pytheus who wrote a treatise about it; this treatise is now lost. Pausanias adds that the Romans considered the Mausoleum one of the great wonders of the world and it was for that reason that they called all their magnificent tombs mausolea, after it. The Mausoleum of Maussollos, or Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was a tomb built between 353–350 BC at Halicarnassus (present Bodrum,Turkey), for Mausolus (in Greek, Μαύσωλος), a provincial king in the Persian Empire, and Artemisia II of Caria, his wife and sister. This model is located at Miniatuk Istanbul.


Taken from:


The Mausoleum of Maussollos, or Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was a tomb built between 353–350 BC at Halicarnassus (present Bodrum, Turkey), for Mausolus (in Greek, Μαύσωλος), a provincial king in the Persian Empire, and Artemisia II of Caria, his wife and sister. This model is located at Miniatuk Istanbul.


After reading the text, answer the following questions:

  1. Who continued to build the Mausoleum after the death of King Mausolus?
  2. What is it like the image of the Mausoleum?
  3. What writers of antiquity spoke about the Mausoleum?
  4. What Empire contained Halicarnassus in antiquity?
  5. Use the following address to find out where was Halicarnassus and what is its current name?

Actividad de lectura

A espada de Damocles

"Para aquel que ve unha espada desenvainada sobre a súa impía cabeza, os festíns de Sicilia, co seu refinamento, non terían doce sabor, e o canto do paxaros, e os acordes da cítara, non lle devolverán o sono, o doce sono que non desprezan as humildes vivendas dos campesinos nin unha umbrosa ribeira nin as enramadas de Tempe acariciada polos céfiros."

Horacio, Odas III, 1

                                                                                                                                     Tomado de:                

The sword of Damocles

Dionysius had successfully conveyed a sense of the constant fear in which the great man lives. Cicero uses this story as the last in a series of contrasting examples for reaching the conclusion he had been moving towards in this fifth Disputation, in which the theme is that virtue is sufficient for living a happy life. Cicero asks: "Does not Dionysius seem to have made it sufficiently clear that there can be nothing happy for the person over whom some fearalways looms?"         

Taken from  


Francesco Xanto Avelli Dish: A espada de Damocles, 1539.


Tras unha atenta lectura dos dous textos, contesta as seguintes preguntas:

  1. Teñen a mesma opinión Horacio e Cicerón sobre os perigos inherentes ao poder?
  2. Con que compara a felicidade Horacio? Pon a túa resposta en relación cos tópicos literarios atribuidos a este autor.
  3. Que considera Cicerón que é suficiente para vivir unha vida feliz? En que obra trata este tema?
Pregunta de Elección Múltiple

What´s the synonym of messaline?




 Who was the Athenian orator who pronounced several inflamed speaches against Philip II of Macedon?




Who didn´t believe the rumors about his wife and Publius Clodius, a notorious dissolute man of the time?




What expression is proper to use when famous people try to distract  the public attention about them?

the Jennings Dog

the parthian shot

the pretorian guard

The parthian shot was the main factor in the parthian victory over the....




People are said to be languishing in the delights of Capua when...

people think too much of ease, and not enough of duty

people think too much of food, and not enough of sport

people think too much of work, and not enough of fun

The expression Eighth Wonder of the World has its origin in...

the list of seven remarkable constructions of modern times

the remarkable construction known as The Mausoleum of Halicarnasus

the widely known list called the Seven Wonders of the World.

The ancient city of Sparta was characterized by an educational system of 

extreme toughness and disclipine

extreme flexibility and laxity

extreme cruelty and inhumanity

The expression squaring the circle comes from an irresolute problem proposed by...

the ancient geometers

the ancient philosophers

the ancient Greeks

When someone is proud of what he has achieved and become careless with his future, it´s proper to use the expression... 

rest on one´s bed

rest on one´s laurels

rest on one´s tree

Rellenar huecos

Read the following paragraphs and complete fill with the correct word:

The word pharos or  comes from the Greek word  and in many Romance languages such a French phareItalian and Galician  is very common use this word from this etymological origin. In English, it´s hardly ever applied  this name with the meaning of “tower whose purpose is to help the ”, but we can find this word associated to a large  lighthouse built on an island of Alexandriain in about 280 BC.


The word travail means onerous work, great , pain or suffering and its origin is associated with the idea of suffering. It comes from the Latin tripalium, “ sticks ”, a torture device consisting of three crossed stakes to which the reo was tied.


was an Athenian orator who pronounced several inflamed against Philip II of   by considering him a threat to the city-states.


There is a military practice of archers who shot their arrows backwards while retreating. An important  in which this tactic was employed was the Battle of  and it was a principal factor in the Parthian over the Roman general  .


Mosaic of Alexandria.

Pregunta Verdadero-Falso

Le terme candidat vient de l´adjectif latin candidus “noir”, couleur de la toge que portait pendant la campagne électorale le candidat aux élections dans l´Antique Grèce.

Verdadero Falso

La ville de Sparte était connue pour un système éducatif d’extrême dureté et discipline auquel tant les garçons que les filles se soumettaient. C'est l'origine du terme espartiate, qui fait référence à quelqu'un qui est très estrict et discipliné.

Verdadero Falso

L'expression quadrature du cercle au sens figuré représente un problème très difficile ou même impossible de résoudre, ou essayer de faire quelque chose d´impossible.

Verdadero Falso

Le syndrome de Diogène est associé avec l’accumulation d’objets hétéroclites, absence de toute honte, isolement social et manque d’hygiène corporelle et domestique.

Verdadero Falso

Le mot ostracisme vient du terme grec ὀστρακισμός, un procédé utilisé pendant la démocratie grecque selon lequel tout citoyen considéré comme une menace pouvait être expulsé de la cité-état de Athènes pour toute sa vie.

Verdadero Falso

Le laurier était considéré un symbole de victoire avec lequel on couronnait les empereurs et les généraux militaires victorieux. Si, après un certain temps, les laurées cessaient dans son effort parce qu’ils se félicitaient de ses succès passés, le peuple disait qu’ils se dormaient sur ses lauriers.

Verdadero Falso

Le nom marathon fait référence à Philippidès, le messager grec qui avait couru les quarante-deux kilomètres qui séparaient le champ de bataille de Marathon et Athènes pour annoncer que les Perses avaient été vaincus par les Grecs.

Verdadero Falso

Quand l''armée de César a franchi le Rubicon, ce qui fut consideré un acte de rébellion contra Pompée et le Sénat, commença la guerre civile, laquelle se terminerait avec la victoire de César et le commencement de sa dictature.

Verdadero Falso

L' expression passer sous les fourches caudines fait référence au défilé des Forches Caudines, où dans la quatrièmee guerre samnite, les Romains ont été humiliés. L’armée romaine, après avoir été cernée dans le défilé, fut obligée à passer sous le joug dressé par les Samnites.

Verdadero Falso

On utilise l'expression le chat d’Alcibiade pour faire référence aux actes ou mots que les personnes connues utilisent pour distraire ou dévier l’attention publique sur eux.

Verdadero Falso