(Overall Strategy)

Enviado por prof_mvr o Mar, 01/04/2014 - 05:09

Our HEI Fernando Wirtz is committed to offer European Education Curricula for our higher education Vocational training students. Local companies demand graduates with fluent English and international experience to open their business to new markets and  to offer better services.


The objectives for IES Fernando Wirtz and its partnership are:



To fulfill the existing demand, in the local companies ,for qualified professionals in  IT and other profiles with IT skills.


 2 .Promoting cooperation among the different vocational training areas within IES Fernando Wirtz partners in the EU.



3.Complementing the Curricula provided by our Institution with skills that local companies lack.


The objectives for the beneficiaries are:


1.-Approaching the working and social realities, within the EU nations, as a way to initiate a possible European professional pathway.


2.-Acquisition of the necessary English language skills that allow them to  successfully  develop their professional careers.


3.-Learning to adapt themselves to a special work environment in a foreign country.


Our priorities for mobility are:


1.Quality in placements: ensuring language competence for beneficiaries, monitoring and tutoring of placements and logistic support through reliable intermediary organizations on the host country.


2. Valuation of results: mobility increases the possibility of a student to get a job. Dissemination of all Erasmus activities will be done through local and regional mass media; our web page and also internally through marketing events.

 The Erasmus University Charter and EPS will be published both on our internet and intranet web pages.


 Following the philosophy of non-discrimination objectives, IES Fernando Wirtz will select beneficiaries from all students following higher education vocational training courses using family income as one of the selection criteria  and also allocating some grants to disabled students.


According to Spanish education legislation, placement in a company is compulsory on higher education vocational training courses. Placements must contain a set of reference activities to certify competences acquired by the student. This Module, named  FCT ( workplace training), lasts  384 hours and is automatically accredited by IES Fernando Wirtz on return.


 Accommodation will be arranged by intermediary organizations from the host country.


Teaching and administration staff enrolled in Erasmus activities will get a certification from educational authorities. IES Fernando Wirtz is also planning to sign agreements with similar higher education vocational training institutions in Europe to have  students exchange for academic mobility within the frame of the Spanish Educational legislation.


Quality of placements is ensured through the collaboration of an intermediary organization from the host country that matches students to local companies. This reliable model together with a personalized plan for the “on the job training” period, monitoring and managing of placements ensure their quality. Sequentially, beneficiaries would be selected among student candidates enrolled on reinforcement languages classes; using measurable selection criteria: academic performance , motivation and level of language (tested).


Prior to placements, work programs are agreed on by  IES Fernando Wirtz and the intermediary organization. They contain a scheduled subset of activities that the student has to perform during the placement to obtain the professional competence specified by the Workplace Training Module (FCT) according to Spanish educational legislation.


Prior to travel, beneficiaries follow a linguistic and cultural training course in Spain and send CVs to the intermediary organization who sends them to candidate host companies for review. On arrival to the host country, they attend an intensive linguistic and cultural course (minimum one-week long). During this phase students hold interviews with host companies so that student and company profiles are best matched according to agreed work-program objectives.


Finally, they carry out placements in their assigned companies, monitored by a company tutor, by the coordinator on the intermediary organization, and by IES Fernando Wirtz, via emails or phone. If the work program is not being followed, a company reassignment will have to be arranged by the intermediary organization.


Once beneficiaries complete their placements successfully, they also fill out a satisfaction survey and a report on their practical activities. This Module is then automatically accredited as Pass by IES Fernando Wirtz and via  EUROPASS mobility.


An “Europass Diploma Supplement “ is already being developed in our region. ( see link http://todofp.es/dctm/todofp/europass/t. )

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