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Dear students, 

As we've been doing in the last weeks, we'll continue working on the virtual classroom. Every Wednesday new tasks will be uploaded to the site, so check it regularly. If you have any doubts, we remind you of our e-mails: and

Stay safe!

Ana Leyenda and María Dolores Ros

3º C - English Tasks

Dear students, 

As we've been doing in the last weeks, we'll continue working on the virtual classroom. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday new tasks will be uploaded to the site, so check it regularly. If you have any doubts, I remind you of my e-mail:

Stay safe!

Ana Leyenda

English Tasks

Dear students, 

As we've been doing in the last weeks, we'll continue working on the virtual classroom. Every Monday, Tuesday and Friday new tasks will be uploaded to the site, so check it regularly. If you have any doubts, I remind you of my e-mail:

Stay safe!

Ana Leyenda

2º ESO A+B

Dear students,

More things to do!!! I have just uploaded more activities for you to do. You can find them in Aula Virtual. Please, any question you may have,  write and ask! You know how to contact me!!!

Let's keep calm and working!!!

Take care or

1º ESO A + B

Queridos discentes,

Só un alumno me mandou as actividades. E os demáis? Aínda estades a tempo, pero se non as recibo rápido, teredes que traballar o dobre porque estes días subirei máis cousas á Aula Virtual

Lembrade que non estades de vacacións e que tod@s estamos a traballar. ¡Coidádevos e aproveitade o tempo! //


Dear students,

Espero que esteades ben e levedes o mellor posible esta situación.

Durante o illamento, traballaremos a través da aula virtual creada. Cada mércores atoparedes novas instrucións e tarefas. Se tedes algunha dúbida, escribídeme a

Best wishes and take care,

Ana Leyenda


Dear students,

Esperamos que esteades ben e levedes o mellor posible esta situación.

Durante o illamento, traballaremos a través da aula virtual creada. Cada mércores atoparedes novas instrucións e tarefas. Se tedes algunha dúbida, escribídenos a ou

Best wishes and take care,

Ana Leyenda y María Dolores Ros

CUALE - English Assessment

Dear ladies,

Difficult times require difficult measures. It's time to stay at home, but we'll try our best to make the most of this situation and continue learning. I'll give you some work to do on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Just check the virtual classroom. If you don't remember your password, you can "entrar como invitado" and use the password "123456".

I'm aware you'll have lots of tasks to accomplish, so don't feel pressured to do everything if you can't. Tell me the pace you can keep.

Best wished and take care,

Ana Leyenda

Activities 1ºESO A+B

Ola a tod@s! 

É hora de ser responsáble e permancer na casa. Sabemos que estades aburridos pero é momento de aproveitarse da situación e sacar o máximo partido.

En cada arquivo que tendes subido á Aula Virtual tendes as instrucións do que debedes facer. De tódolos xeitos, gustaríame que se tendes algunha dúbida ou queredes que revise o voso traballo mo enviedes a unha das seguintes direccións: //

Coidaros moito e imos a por todas! Sempre a vosa disposicion.


2º ESO A + B

It's time to be responsible and stay at home! We know that you are bored but you should take advantage of the situation and make the most of it! 

There is some work posted in "Aula Virtual". In each folder, you will find the instructions very cleraly but if you have any question or you want me to revise your work, please, DON'T HESITATE to ask. You can write my an email to one of the following addresses: //

I am at your disposal whenever you want. Let's do it!!! Take care.

Axudas para realizar actividades formativas STEM en lingua inglesa

Convocadas as axudas para realizar actividades formativas STEM en lingua inglesa, STEMweek, no ano 2020.

Destinatarios: alumnado que curse 3º ou 4º de educación secundaria obrigatoria.

Lugar da actividade: CRD da Coruña (Centro Residencial Docente, O Burgo-Acea de Ama s/n, Culleredo, 15670) en réxime de internado de domingo a sábado seguinte.

Quendas, lugar de realización, datas, número de alumnos/as e cursos a que van destinadas as actividades:

Máis información:


Convocadas as Becas Eurolingua 2020

Prazo de solicitude: ata as 23.59 horas do 8 de abril de 2020

Máis información:

English Assessment


Dear students,

Difficult times require difficult measures. It's time to stay at home to protect our friends, colleagues and the wider community; this is the only way to control the spread of the virus.

I understand that staying at home may be difficult or frustrating. The same way, I'm aware that studying without seeing each other is not the best option, but we don't have any other. If we want to be successful, we must be tenacious and responsible and we'll need a lot of self-discipline. It's very important you plan your study sessions carefully, trying to stick to your school schedule and spend at least the corresponding fifty-minute period working on each subject. To help you in this process, I'll use the virtual classroom where I'll publish instructions every day, starting tomorrow.

Please, any doubts or problems to get into the virtual classroom, send me an e-mail to or

Best wishes and take care!

Ana Leyenda

English Assessment

Dear students,

Difficult times require difficult measures. It's time to stay at home to protect our friends, colleagues and the wider community; this is the only way to control the spread of the virus.

I understand that staying at home may be difficult or frustrating. The same way, I'm aware that studying without seeing each other is not the best option, but we don't have any other. If we want to be successful, we must be tenacious and responsible and we'll need a lot of self-discipline. It's very important you plan your study sessions carefully, trying to stick to your school schedule and spend at least the corresponding fifty-minute period working on each subject. To help you in this process, I'll use the virtual classroom where I'll publish instructions every day, starting tomorrow.

Please, any doubts or problems to get into the virtual classroom, send me an e-mail to

Best wishes and take care!

Ana Leyenda

Obra de Teatro "I won the talent show"

O pasado mércores 22, o alumnado de 1º e 2º da ESO desprazouse ata o teatro Salesianos para asistir á representación de "I won the talent show", un espectáculo de teatro en inglés interpretado por unha compañía formada por británicos. Esta comedia participativa está ambientada nun concurso de talentos.

Halloween 2018

Halloween 2018

1ºESO na English Week

O noso alumnado disfruta dunha semana de inmersión lingüística en inglés, totalmente gratuíta, no centro de Os Peares.

O noso centro foi un dos cinco centros elixidos para participar na English Week para o nivel 1ºESO grazas ao proxecto presentado polo Departamento de Inglés ante a Consellería de Cultura, Educación e O.U, quen subvenciona toda a actividade.


Our 2º ESO students are doing a speaking workshop in Os Peares. Here you are to links to TVG where you can learn mor about it:


Hi there,

Here you are a link to the irregular verbs pronunciation and translation



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Distribuir contido

by Dr. Radut