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Alimentación Sa e Saudable: Bocatas Saudables

Alimentación Sa e Saudable:

Bocatas Saudables

Por sorpresa, o mércores 6 de novembro, o alumnado de infantil, recibiu un agasalliño da bruxa do conto de Hansel e Gretel. Pola mañá cando chegaron a escola atopáronse que a bruxa deixoulles de agasallo pan, para preparar uns riquísimos bocatas saudables. Durante a mañá, cada un preparou o seu bocatas, que comeron na merenda. Que ricos e apetitosos estaban!.SorrisoSorriso


Healthy diet

Unexpectedly, on November 6th, Infant education students received a gift from Hansel and Gretel’s witch. In the morning, when students arrived to school, they found some bread that the witch left to prepare some delicious sandwiches. During the morning they prepared the sandwiches so then, they ate them during the break time. They were delicious!

page | by Dr. Radut